“Healthy Corner Kicks” Brought to you by the Warren County HFC August 25, 2009
It’s Hot. What should my soccer player drink? Adequate hydration is key to peak performance The longer and more intense the exercise, the more critical it is to drink frequently. Cramps, dizziness and fatigue are signs of dehydration
Fluid choices Cool fluids are better Water is good but if your child needs something more palatable, a sports drink (like Gatorade) is helpful No carbonated drinks No Caffeine which will dehydrate
Before exercise: 24 hrs before a game, adequate water and carbohydrates should be consumed. –One way to monitor this is the color of urine. Clear or pale yellow indicates proper hydration, dark yellow indicates poor hydration status Drink 20 fl oz of water 2-3 hrs before game, Drink 10 fl oz of water 15 minutes before game
During game Drink 10 fl oz every minutes during game For exercise longer than 60 minutes, a sports drink to add calories is helpful
After Game Continue to drink a sports drink to replenish carbohydrate levels Chocolate milk is a good recovery drink Food in a ratio of grams of carbs:protein should be 4:1