Work Package 2 – Overview of instrumentation, data gathering and calibration issues Calibration of the Galileo 94GHz radar – two years of data Nicolas Gaussiat and Robin Hogan Progress meeting 3 –Reading – Oct 2002
Calibration technique (Robin et al. paper) Radome attenuation Calibrated Uncalibrated 8 dBZ Zcal
Calibration results Calibration constant to be added to the raw data (+/- 1dB) 3 data acquisition systems working together Robin’s calibration by comparing with 3 GHz radar nicely confirmed From May 1999 to March 2002
Coherent processing : toward more accuracy ? 1 sec average 30 sec average
Identified problem : Noise subtraction vs. peak detection Measured signal power ~ True signal power Measured signal power << True signal power
Data availability Covering period : March 2001 – March 2002 Monthly.tar.gz files : Coherent processing: YYYYMM_chilbolton-galileo.tar.gz Incoherent processing: YYYYMM_chilbolton-galileo_i.tar.gz