Newton Fractals Group N0:7 Reenu Rani Vivek Rathee Ice-3
Derived from Latin word Fractus. A shape that appears self- similar on multiple spatial scales. Any piece of it looks like the whole after a change of scale. Eg: A fern, Aerial photo graph of a coastline.
Natural fractal. Nature apparently maximizes functional efficiency while using minimum space. Mathematical fractal. Based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion. Fractal generating software like Sterling, Ultra fractal etc.
Data compression. Image creation in science fiction movies, Fractal landscapes. Characterizing metals. Describing astronomy, meteorology, ecology and study of galaxy clusters.
Most widely used for locating roots. Can be derived using Taylor series or the geometric interpretation of the slope in figure
In solving non linear equations. Eg: F : Rk → Rk To find the zeroes of a function F defined in Banach Space. To find the zeroes of complex functions. Time domain-synthesis. In solving flow-mechanic chemistry equations of CO2 storage in saline aquifers.