INTRO Todays youth have a wide variety of choices they can make on how to spend their time outside of the classroom. Many choose to be involved in diverse group activities, while others choose to spend their time on their own or with others like themselves.
PROBLEM STATEMENT The big question is which direction, positive heterogeneous group interaction or positive homogenous growth, will yield the best developmental outcomes? With the choices of extracurricular involvement youth have today, many youth choose activities that lead them to trouble or does not produce positive development growth.
PURPOSE STATEMENT The purpose of this study is to determine whether the developmental outcomes of youth involved in heterogeneous extracurricular group activities are greater than the outcomes of those in homogeneous activities. The differences between the two groups will be measured by looking at the academic success, behavior, (inside & outside of school), and the self-esteem of the youth in each group. By examining the progress of the youth in each group. By examining the progress of the youth in each of these areas, this research should produce an accurate view of the “total” progress of each participating member.
GUIDING QUESTIONS How does being a part of a group impact academic, behavior, and self-esteem growth? Is academic success directly related to involvement with extracurricular activities? Which group influences better behavior? How is self-esteem affected by involvement in both types of extracurricular groups?
DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECTS Sample of 10 th – 12 th grade students in the Construction & Manufacturing class at R.D. Anderson Applied Technology Center. 9 th – 12 th grade male students on the Woodruff High School football team
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Qualitative Research Design Observations Interviews Document analysis Questionnaires
LITERATURE Cristina B. Gibson: “Building Multicultural Teams: Learning to Manage Homogeneity and Heterogeneity” Eccles and Barber: “Student Council, Volunteering, Basketball, or Marching Band: What Kind of Extracurricular Involvement Matters?” “Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development”
IMPLICATIONS Results of this study will sere the purpose of showing: The effects Heterogeneous extracurricular activity has on a student’s academics, behavior, and self-esteem. The effects Homogeneous extracurricular activity has on a student’s academics, behavior, and self-esteem. Which of the two groups shows signs of being more effective in promoting higher developmental outcomes in the areas of academics, behavior, and self-esteem.