Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 1 KANETA, Masashi for the PHENIX Collaboration RIKEN-BNL Research Center 0 v 2 analysis in s NN = 200GeV Au+Au collisions
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 2 Why Event Anisotropy? Because of sensitive to collision geometry –In low p T (~<2 GeV/c) Pressure gradient of early stage Hydrodynamical picture is established –In high p T (>~2 GeV/c) Energy loss in dense medium (Jet Quenching) Partonic flow(?) x z y Here we focus on ellipticity of azimuthal momentum distribution, v 2 (second Fourier coefficient)
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 3 Method of 0 v 2 Measurement Define reaction plane by charged multiplicity on Beam-Beam Counters 0 reconstruction from gamma measured by Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EMC) For each p T, azimuthal angle, centrality Combine both information –Counting number of 0 as a function of event anisotropy parameter measured azimuthal angle of the particle reaction plane angle v n real = v n measured / ( reaction plane resolution ) n Note: the detail of reaction plane definition will be found in nucl-ex/
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 4 PHENIX experiment Lead Scintillator and Lead Glass EMCs –Gamma measurement ( 0 ) BBCs and ZDCs –Collision centrality determination BBCs –Reaction plane determination and –Its resolution correction
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 5 Example plots from the analysis procedure Invariant mass of from same event and mixed event (classed by reaction plane, centrality, vertex position) normalization range for combinatorial B.G. subtraction After subtraction, there is 2nd component of B.G. in p T <2GeV/c region shape assumed as linear+asym. Gauss count number of 0 in a range after 2nd B.G. subtraction (not used the fit function) m [GeV/c 2 ] R [rad] Fit function: (average of 0 count) ( v 2 cos[2( - R )]) Green lines : deviation by error of v 2 200GeV Au+Au m [GeV/c 2 ]
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 6 Tooooooooooooo many histograms checked After combinatorial background subtraction Example of invariant mass distributions for each p T, - R in a centrality bin Before combinatorial background subtraction 0 as a function of Rb
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 7 v 2 vs. p T vs. Centrality from 200GeV Au+Au Statistical error is shown by error bar Systematic error from 0 count method and reaction plane determination is shown by gray box phenix preliminary
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 8 } nucl-ex/ phenix preliminary v 2 vs. p T vs. Centrality from 200GeV Au+Au Statistical error is shown by error bar Systematic error from 0 count method and reaction plane determination is shown by gray box Charged + K v 2 consistent with 0 v 2 in p T <4GeV/c The charged and K v 2 are shown only with statistical errors
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 9 phenix preliminary v 2 vs. p T (Minimum Bias) from 200GeV Au+Au Identified particle v 2 up to p T =10GeV/c 36.3 10 6 [events] = [( b) -1 ]
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 10 } nucl-ex/ phenix preliminary v 2 vs. p T (Minimum Bias) from 200GeV Au+Au Identified particle v 2 up to p T =10GeV/c 36.3 10 6 [events] = [( b) -1 ]
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 11 phenix preliminary nucl-ex/ v 2 vs. p T (Minimum Bias) from 200GeV Au+Au Identified particle v 2 up to p T =10GeV/c 36.3 10 6 [events] = [( b) -1 ]
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 12 Comparison with K 0 S and (STAR) STAR data from nucl-ex/
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 13 Comparison with a model phenix preliminary
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 14 Comparison with a model which is described in nucl-th/ Here we don't want to discuss which model can describe the data. To conclude which model can describe the data, we need much more statistics in high p T region. Special thanks to C. Nonaka (one of authors) of nucl-th/ for data of model calculation Comparison with a model phenix preliminary
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 15Summary First measurement of 0 v 2 at RHIC –In p T =1-10 GeV/c Charged + K v 2 consistent with 0 v 2 –In p T =1-4GeV/c Minimum bias data shows finite 0 v 2 –Up to p T ~8 GeV/c RHIC run4 Au+Au, it will be –Much more statistics Detail study of v 2 shape around p T =2-4GeV/c –Much higher p T We want to know where is end of finite v 2 in very high p T
Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL 2003 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (2003/10/31) 16 Reaction plane resolution This values are used to correct measured v 2