Doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0617r0 Submission May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 1 Discussion on timeline for 802.11ax Date: 2014-04-17Authors:


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Presentation transcript:

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 1 Discussion on timeline for ax Date: Authors:

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Outline In this presentation, we discuss the risk of a long timeline for ax, especially with regards to the early needs of densification We discuss some ways to speed up the improvement of user experience in dense environments, through the adjustment of ax timeline. May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 2

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Risk of a too long timeline for ax If we take the example of ac to plan the timeline for ax –first products will reach market in 2018 and certified ones in 2019 –there will probably be two waves of certifications as for ac This time-to-market is not so long for the long-term needs –building the Wi-Fi generation for the incoming 10 years. But we believe that 11ax brings improvements to Wi-Fi user experience that will be needed earlier than –Looking at operators needs for carrier grade Wi-Fi –Looking at the growing densification and demand in public places which impacts WiFi user experience –Considering also alternative technologies on unlicensed bands –this is even more risky if we experience timeline drift as ah  This time-to-market is too long for these early needs May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 3

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission ax should have multiple waves of certification works with generations every 4-5 years –this model of generation has a very strong marketing value –it however creates long time between generations ac evolved on this point by creating different waves of certifications (releases) in WFA We believe it is important for ax to have also multiple waves of certifications in WFA (mix of generations and releases) –with all features defined in ax that end-up in these certification programs: feature selection directly at level But we need to see how to speed up the pace and reduce the time for the first wave of certification –we would like to see propositions on this May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 4

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Speed up the improvement of user experience in dense environments (1/2) Speed up the first wave of certification of ax –WFA created 2 waves of certifications for ac, with 2 different timelines, but worked on a single spec with a single timeline –We consider that there will be multiple waves of certification for ax also with every wave having a set of PHY&MAC features taken from ax specification –Why not taking this model to the next step by applying it, not only to WFA, but to IEEE work as well May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 5

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Speed up the first wave of certification of ax –Once the overall set of features has been agreed for ax, the TG could decide at some point to split these features in 2 waves and to validate the part of ax specification related to the features of wave 1 before the one related to wave 2. –development towards draft 1.0 should focus on providing a mature spec for the features targeted at 11ax wave 1 –This could reduce the time-to-market for the first wave of ax some features don’t need a very long time to be standardized Speed up the improvement of user experience in dense environments (2/2) May 2014 Laurent Cariou (Orange)Slide 6

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission long track fast track Illustration of potential timelines for ax May 2013 Slide 7 IEEE WFA 11ax 11ax/HEW Wave ax/HEW Wave IEEE WFA 11ax 11ax/HEW Wave ax/HEW Wave Laurent Cariou (Orange)

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Conclusion ax has to set an ambitious timeline that it will respect –strict selection of the features that will reach market (as for 11ac) We also believe that 11ax brings improvements to Wi- Fi experience that will be needed earlier than –we propose an approach to speed up that process some thinking is needed to see how to make it possible –and hope to see some discussion/propositions towards this goal May 2013 Slide 8Laurent Cariou (Orange)

doc.: IEEE /0617r0 Submission Strawpoll Would you like to see investigations on the way to create 2 waves for the specification of ax? Y N A May 2013 Slide 9Laurent Cariou (Orange)