Muslim & Mongol Empires ( AD)
I. Rise of Islam –monotheistic religion centered in the Middle East (people who follow Islam are called Muslims)
A. Muhammad- in 610 became prophet of God (Allah), by 622 he and his followers expelled from Arabian city of Mecca
1. In 630 Muhammad & followers defeat Mecca, all of Arabia converted to Islam by Muhammad’s death in 632 AD
2. Islamic faith- holy book Qur’an, built mosques, emphasis on jihad (holy war), traditional values
Al-Haram Mosque (Saudi Arabia)
Dome of the Rock Mosque (Israel/Palestine)
Interior of the Dome of the Rock Mosque
B. Spread of Islam- successors to Muhammad called caliphs (powerful religious/political/military leaders) 1. Umar leads Arab armies that convert/conquer the Middle East, North Africa, India, Spain
Expansion of Islam
The Franks battle the Muslims at the battle of Tours in 732 AD
C. Division- Umar’s successors murdered, Islam broken into 2 branches: Sunni & Shi’ah
1. Sunni- believed best man should be selected caliph 2. Shi’ah- wanted only descendents of the first caliphs to lead the faith
*Based on what you know, which branch of Islam (Sunni/ Shi’ah) do you think has more members today? Why?
D. Islamic civilization & culture
1. Traders- silk, cotton, wool, carpets, jewelry, metalwork, perfume, swords, glassware, spices, leather, pottery
The Alhambra (Spain)
2. Spread Arabic language, all laws based on Qur’an, father given all authority, stressed basic morals
Arabic Writing
Arabic Alphabet
E. Science- combine knowledge from Greece/Rome/India/China, established advanced universities
1. Medicine- catalogued diseases, performed operations
2. Math- developed number system based on 10, later created algebra (from Al-jabr) XVIII XXIV 18 24
F. Decline- Unity/power of early Arab Islamic empire broken 1. Many Muslim cities destroyed by Mongols ( ’s)
G. By 1100, Turks dominate the Muslim world, begin the Ottoman Empire, & conquered the Byzantine Empire in 1453
Constantinople Becomes Istanbul (1453)
Hagia Sofia (Turkey)
1.Ottomans conquer SE Europe and reach their peak in the 1500’s under Sultan Suleiman (“the Magnificent”)
Suleimaniye Mosque (Turkey)
Ottoman Empire ( )
Islam Today
II. Mongols- warlike, nomadic people originated from central Asia
A. Mongol tribes united by Genghis Khan around 1200, used mounted cavalry in fast attacks to win an empire
Genghis Khan
Mongol Homeland
Mongol Cavalry In Battle
The Mongol Bow
B. Conquest- by early 1200’s Genghis conquered Northern China, and much of Asia
1. Grandson Kublai added rest of China, Middle East, Russia, and parts of Eastern Europe killing millions
Mongol Expansion ( )
Mongol Empire
2. Rule- largest land empire in history, heavily taxed conquered people, 1 st to use paper money, helped to restore world trade, tolerant of various cultures
C. Decline- by 1400’s many Mongols were absorbed into local populations, empire disintegrated 1. China regained independence with the Ming Dynasty (ruled )