Theories of Physical Activity These models aim to explain participation or non participation in physical activity
Factors influencing physical activity INDIVIDUAL FACTORS Demographical and Biological – gender, age, BMI hereditary factors and socio economic status Psychological, cognitive and emotional – self efficacy, exercise, barriers to participation Behavioural attributes and skills – physical activity history, dietary habits, smoking
Factors influencing physical activity ENVRONMENTAL FACTORS Social and cultural factors – dog owner, social support, religion Physical environment – climate, urban vs rural, footpaths, facilities
Theoretical models of PA behaviours What do physical activity theories do? -Explain the influences or determinants of physical activity -Explain the relationship between these factors (e.g beliefs, barriers) and physical activity. -Explain the conditions under which the relationships with physical activity do or do not occur (e.g time, place and circumstances which lead to pa)
Key skills Apply the theoretical models (SOC and Self efficacy) to critique strategies used to target physical activity promotion within defined populations.