© Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 4 Day 1 Objective: Know times tables up the 12th multiple
Copy, then complete the table as quickly as you can. © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 4 Day 1 8
Copy, then complete the table as quickly as you can. © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 4 Day 1
Mnemonics can help to remember tables facts… © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 4 Day = 7 x 8 Five, six, seven, eight 8 x 8 = 64 I ate and I ate and was sick on the floor Do you know any other tricks for remembering tables facts ?
Take the Kings out of a pack of playing cards, shuffle and deal face down between two piles. Both turn over a card on the count of three, and the first to correctly multiply the two numbers together wins both cards. Jacks count as 11, Queens as 12 and Jokers count as 0. Carry on until there are no more cards. Who won the most cards? © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 4 Day 1
Can you do all these in 3 minutes? 1.6 x 7 2. How many 8s in 32? 3.7 x 84. How many 5s in 60? 5.4 x 96. How many 10s in 110? 7.9 x 8 8. How many 6s in 48? 9.7 x How many 3s in 36? x 712. How many 8s in 64? x 614. How many 9s in 81?