Emergency Ventilator Device Group 12 Advisor: Dr. Paul King James Grotting Tim Weaver Ryan Winter Josh Gess Whitt Israel
Prototyping Device – 1:18 cold- rolled plate of steel Prototype – PVC piping - Cheaper - Easy access to pre- cut tubing - Same effect as steel
Prototype Testing Variables - Inner diameter - Inner diameter - Inlet velocity via inlet diameter - Inlet velocity via inlet diameterConstants - 1/4” thick walls - 1/4” thick walls - Inlet angled tangential - Inlet angled tangential
Future Prototype Testing Create Labview Virtual Instrument CathetersFlowmeters Pressure vs. Time Velocity vs. Time
Fluid Mechanics Interview with Dr. Stremler Reverse Whistle Pressure Changes Inlet Air Flows Along Wall Ball/No Ball
Pneumatic Actuators The more certain but more expensive approach to accomplishing goal Air Pressure powers valve Wall Pressure would be diverted from wall to both bulk volume ventilator in parallel with actuator and valving
Achieving oscillations through acoustics Interview with Ken Frampton Problems with design Poor results at low frequencies Maximizing displacement Need for large amplifier and power source Overcoming high back pressure at outlet valve.