Fannie M. Cox Glenda Neely Mark Paul Angel Smith Copyright Fannie Cox, Glenda Neely, Mark Paul, Angel Smith, This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. A Refreshing Look at Faculty Collaboration
Introduction Collaboration Liaison Program Business Liaison Team Research Refreshers
History Origin of the Business Liaison Team –Early Activities –Years 1-5 Current Liaison Assignments
History Origin of Research Refreshers –Initial “Research Refresher” –Collaboration became infectious
Development Making Contacts Workshop groupings Advertising
Content Workshops consisted of two parts: –Library website –Business databases
Equine/ Econ/UPA Finance/ Accounting ManagementMarketingCIS AB I InformXXXXX American Factfinder X Business & Company Resource Center XXXX Business Source Premier XXXX EconLit X Engineering Index X INSPEC X Lexis Nexis Academic XXX Mergent Online X NBER Working Paper X PAIS X RDS Business Suite XXX Statistical Universe XX Stat-USA XX Research Refresher Database Coverage
Content Handout Pre-test
Evaluation Successes Disappointments Lessons Learned
Successes What’s in a Name? Opportunity to meet new faculty Publicity: Promoting the Library Team building = Cooperation/Collaboration – Intra-Liaison Cooperation New Opportunities for Collaboration
Disappointments Low attendance Research & Development
Challenges Scheduling Location Marketing and Advertising Follow-up
Outcomes Library Faculty peer sharing German MBA workshop GRA Refresher workshop
Impact Teaching faculty Students Library faculty Campus community
Conclusion “Librarians should not assume that faculty know what librarians do.” --Ada M. Lucas and Nicole Michaud-Oyxtryk, 2003
Thank you for coming! Business Liaison Team Members: Fannie Cox – Glenda Neely – Mark Paul – Angel Smith –