Computer Society Austin Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sept 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team Camron MalikChair Vinay AbburiVice Chair Matt RobertsSecretary Taoufik Ben Abdellatif Treasurer Steve TelekiChair Emeritus
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates 2013 a good year - continued to lay foundation Found one time sponsors (CA and MDI Group) 7 Chapter meetings (Tech) so far – L31s filed Regular Board meetings (Admin) On Social Media (Tweet #AustinIEEECS) Looking for a better meeting place – improve attendance Consistent attendance – Largest 38 Working on 2014 board call for nominations, election
IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Technical Meetings MonthTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 JanTech Internet of Things (IOT), m2M – Smart Converged Gateway for Smart Grid, Smart Cities Kwok Wu, Ph.D Yes FebTech Sensor and Sensing for Continuous Monitoring in Healthcare Choudur Lakshminaray an, Ph.D Yes MarTech IBM Watson and the Beginning of a New Era of Cognitive Computing Rob High Yes AprTech Wading into OpenGL ESAlex Kluge Yes MayTech Mingle, Twist and Go – An integrated ALM environment for increasing velocity and software quality Justin Craycraft Yes JunTech Summer break! JulTech Affordable 3D Printing at the Human Scale by re:3D - large-format 3D printing under $6k Tim Sandfort Yes AugTech Start-up 2013 – It’s a Brave New World Out There Dave Panos Yes SepTech Raymond Westwater, Ph.D Sept 18th
IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths l Basic momentum which appears to have legs and Engaged board l Weaknesses l Lack of volunteers and recurring funding – impacts stability and long-term planning l Opportunities l Get high visibility speaker and new sponsors l Use Social Media, Meetups (engage, expand) l Partner with Door64 ( appropriately, opportunistically ) l Threats l Lack of recurring funds, volunteers. l Competition.- Other groups with similar missions (e.g. meetups)
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Finalize 2014 budget. How to move remaining 2013 funds to 2014? l Find more sponsor(s) with recurring funding l Income generating opportunities l Increase presence on Social Media l Consider Meetup Group l Have a big event in 2014 l Build self sustaining momentum. Find more, new and engaged volunteers
IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks