11/3/2000cmd_soh1 SOH and CMD Current Status
11/3/2000cmd_soh2 ISUAL Flight Software 0.0 SOH Telemetry CMD Input Debug I/O
11/3/2000cmd_soh4 GSE Support “SOH” Program (Geller wrote, C++) Reads CMD queue, sends command packets to DPU Reads SOH telemetry packets, writes SOH queue Writes Log file
11/3/2000cmd_soh5 ISUAL Debug PC (‘386) Flight Software Develop ment SOH/CMD debug GSE - “IZZY2” SOH Program o writes SOH queue o reads CMD queue Display programs which read SOH queue Command generators which write CMD queue
11/3/2000cmd_soh6 DPU Interface IMAGE-clone 8085 serial I/O ports –38.4K baud –Will be changed to 9600 baud IMAGE-clone DPU receiver software –interrupt-driven; byte queue IMAGE-clone transmitter software –programmed I/O (polled status)
11/3/2000cmd_soh7 GSE Interface National Instruments RS-422 card One port for both send and receive NI serial driver installed “SIO” C++ class developed for sending and receiving
11/3/2000cmd_soh8 SOH Telemetry Sends Monitor and SOH packets every 5 seconds –Some of the SOH data is valid –None of the Monitor data is valid yet Sends Echo packets –multiple commands echoed in one packet
11/3/2000cmd_soh9 CMD Input Processes commands: –Immediate exec –Command Echo –TPA recognized –(Time-tagged command handling is coded but not yet tested -- need 6-byte clock first)
11/3/2000cmd_soh10 SOH Queue readers “READER” - displays raw packet data “ECHO” - displays command echoes (SOH and Monitor display programs are being developed)
11/3/2000cmd_soh11 SOH Playback SOH_PB program Opens a selected Log file (written by SOH program) Reads Log file, writes SOH queue (Needs no connection to DPU)
11/3/2000cmd_soh12 Next Steps -- Hardware Another version of DPU –6-byte clock (seconds, 1/256, 1/256/256) –9600 baud CMD/SOH –TM transmitter –Pulse-per-Second interrupt
11/3/2000cmd_soh13 Next Steps - Flight SW Support 6-byte clock Translate between 10-byte (Astrium) and 6- byte (ISUAL clock) Time-set, using TPA and pulse-per-sec Rate limit the SOH to 50 bytes/sec Generate test-pattern science via TM Try out MBR protocol
11/3/2000cmd_soh14 Next Steps -- GSE Time-Set Pulse-per-second simulation (NI card) Synchronized TPA time-set messages Debug the TLMI card Simulate spacecraft TM data handling
11/3/2000cmd_soh15 The End