Page No. 1 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut to ISS Project Hardware Overview Sponsoring Org/Office Code: National Lab Office / OZ1 Name of Forum: Ops Assessment Date: 6/2/2010
Page No. 2 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Purpose Purpose: –Brief the ops community about the Robonaut to ISS Project Hardware, S/W and Station Interfaces. Robonaut Robonaut Support Hardware Required Station Support Equipment and other GFE for Robonaut Ops. Ground Support Equipment/Systems Not Discussed or Included in this Presentation is the Robonaut SLEEPR (Special Launch Container).
Page No. 3 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware Deliverables for ULF5 A single Robonaut Upper Torso for use as a robotics testbed on ISS. Upper Torso includes: –Head –Arms –Waist Joint –Backpack Power Supply –Motion Stop Controller Mechanical Interface to ISS –Baseplate interface to Rack Seat Track –Stanchion interface between Torso and Baseplate Taskboard with task panels –Reconfigurable mounting board for Robonaut experimental tasks Switches, connectors, handrails, etc. Robonaut Baseplate and Stanchion Task Board with Task Panels
Page No. 4 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware – Robonaut Robonaut is an anthropomorphic dexterous robot designed for tasks which require fine motor control. –Joints have 42 Degrees of Freedom Head / Neck: 3 DOF Arms: 14 DOF (7 DOF x 2 arms) Hands: 24 DOF (2 hands) –(4 DOF thumb + 3 DOF primary x 2 fingers + 1 DOF secondary x 2 fingers) Waist: 1 DOF Op Nom: Robonaut P/N: SEG S/N: R2B IMS Barcode: Yes Weight: ~ 320lbs ( kg) Size: 31.4 x x (in stowed position)
Page No. 5 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Operational Volume Robonaut Hardware – Robonaut
Page No. 6 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Labeling Robonaut labeling is all stitched on softgoods labels due to “Skins” covering all Robonaut surfaces (except helmet). See below for layout.
Page No. 7 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Interfaces USB J1 – –Gives the project the ability to perform firmware upgrades not capable otherwise through other methods. This is an off nominal usage port. A standard USB cable would I/F to this port. DATA J2 – –This is the Ethernet port (RJ45 port) that is used to connect to the JSL for Robonaut telemetry data and Robonaut Machine Vision from the GigE Cameras. The SSE (Shared Station Equipment) Ethernet Cable (1F15940) interfaces to this port. MSTOP J3 - –This is the Motion Stop Controller port which the motion stop controller is plugged into. This is part of Robonaut and can’t function without it. The Motion Stop Controller is analogous to a kill switch except it only stops Robonaut motion. VIDEO J5 and J6 - –BNC Unbalanced Video ports which output Robonauts Tele-Op Camera Vision video. Will be used to connect to the AVIU and ICPs on ISS. An Unbalanced BNC Cable I/Fs to either of these ports. Robonaut male dovetail –This specially designed mechanical interface is what interfaces to the Stanchion. A label that is not shown on the previous view is the label indicating the “Front” of Robonaut which is located on the Robonaut interface plate at the bottom of the waist joint.
Page No. 8 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Interfaces Concluded PWR J4 – –This is the single power connector on Robonaut. Robonaut receives power from a UOP. POWER cb –This is the single power circuit breaker on Robonaut which is used as the power switch as well. Bottom of Robonaut Backpack
Page No. 9 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware – Baseplate Baseplate is aluminum plate structure outfitted with 4 corner seat track interface studs to interface to a rack seat track and a dovetail bracket type system for quick assembly of the Stanchion. Numerous Velcro strips for support of cable routing. Alignment IDs aid in alignment of Stanchion for Robonaut operations. Orientation Labeling enable for repeatable and standardized orientations. –Op Nom: Baseplate –P/N: SEG –S/N XXXX –IMS Barcode: IMS Combo –Weight: ~ 50.7lbs (22.98 kg) –Size: x x 4.39
Page No. 10 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Orientation Label Fiducial Stanchion Alignment IDs Velcro patches Male Dovetail Baseplate Labeling and Other Details Hand Slots
Page No. 11 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Baseplate Interfaces Seat Track Standoff with seat track stud interfaces to a rack seat track. –Design similarly to CRAB (CEVIS Rack Attachment Bracket) –Hand Knobs used to tighten seat track stud to seat track Male Dovetail piece uniquely designed allow quick installment (and removal) of Stanchion to Baseplate. Spring plunger holes allow positive lock location at 5 designated locations (A-E). Seat Track Standoff Detail Baseplate male dovetail Spring plunger position holes
Page No. 12 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware - Stanchion Aluminum tube structure outfitted with 2 female dovetail mount systems for quick assembly onto Baseplate and Robonaut. –2 threaded knobs provide clamping force for dovetail joint Provides the required height for proper Robonaut operations. Two Spring Plungers engage in mating (male dovetail parts to hold stanchion in place. Numerous Velcro strips (not shown) for support of cable routing. Slots on sides aid in maneuvering/mounting. –Op Nom: Stanchion –P/N: SEG –S/N XXXX –IMS Barcode: IMS Combo –Weight: ~ 20.65lbs (9.37 kg) –Size: 9.0 x 9.0 x 26.06
Page No. 13 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Stanchion Labeling and Other Details Stanchion Alignment Mark Velcro patches Hand Knobs Spring Plungers (far side not shown)
Page No. 14 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Stanchion Interfaces Female Dovetail Design Concept –Allows for horizontal adjustment –Spring plunger interface provides discrete locations along the Baseplate –Spring plunger on Robonaut interface provides discrete and locked position for installment. –2 threaded knobs provide clamping force for dovetail joint –Installs in either orientation –Symmetric Female Dovetail Design Detail
Page No. 15 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware – Task Board Task Board Frame is black anodized for maximizing fiducial contrast Accommodates up to 4 max task panels 6 fiducials Holds 4 removable sub-panels w/ ¼ turn fastener interface 1” x 2” Velcro squares with seat track section Attaches to rack seat track via Seat Track Standoff with threaded knobs. –Op Nom: Task Board –P/N: SEG –S/N XXXX –IMS Barcode: IMS Combo –Weight: ~ 38 lbs (17.23 kg) (with 4 single panels) –Size: 19 x x 7.85
Page No. 16 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Stanchion Labeling and Other Details Velcro patches Seat Track Standoff and knobs Fiducials Seat Track Task Panels
Page No. 17 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Board Interfaces Primary I/F is via Seat Track Standoff bracket with seat track studs and hand knobs. –Seat track stud and hand knobs identical to Baseplate’s. –One side of standoff bracket provides for a tolerance adjustments in ISS rack seat track tolerance stack up. Locking center latch tightens frame to standoff when installed onto seat track. Other I/F includes the IVA Seat Track which can be used for attachment of various IVA seat track hardware items including Handrails, equipment anchors and Bogen Arms.
Page No. 18 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Hardware – Task Panels Task Panels provide Robonaut a set of various items to manipulate and “practice” with to aid in development of Robonaut capabilities. 5 Task Panels planned to delivered on ULF5 with 4 installed already onto the Task Board. –Task Panel A (IVA powered panel) –Task Panel B (IVA task panel) –Task Panel C (EVA task panel) –Task Panel D (Hardware stowage panel) –Task Panel E (Softgoods panel) Install onto Task Board w/ ¼ turn fastener interface. Size: 8.65 x x 4.31 (single panels), x x 7.38 (softgoods panel)
Page No. 19 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel A Task Panel A (IVA powered panel) –LEDs will verify when a task has been completed –Powered via USB Speaker Cable (SEG ) and laptop –Planned Tasks Locking 2 way switch Non-locking 2 way switch Locking 3 way switch Push button switch Rocker switch
Page No. 20 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel B Task Panel B (IVA task panel) –Planned Tasks Circular connector with dust-cap –Various valves –Ball valve –Metering valve –Needle valve –Toggle valve Quick disconnect connector
Page No. 21 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel C Task Panel C (EVA task panel) –Planned Tasks EVA handrail Microconical fitting 7/16” EVA Bolt EVA Change-Out Mechanism (ECOM) Socket General purpose tether ring –Provides interface capability with other EVA hardware already on- orbit –Body Restraint Tether (BRT) –EVA Scoop –Pistol Grip Tool (PGT) –Etc..
Page No. 22 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel D Task Panel D (Stowage task panel) –Includes straps with buckles and tether points for bungees to secure generic ISS hardware. –Provides versatility so Robonaut can interface with IVA hardware already on-orbit for future experimentation.
Page No. 23 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel E Task Panel E (Softgoods task panel) –Aluminum standoffs and outer frame with Nomex softgoods walls –Planned Tasks Qty 4 EVA quarter turn fasteners Ortho fabric covering Softgoods pockets and Velcro inside internal volume Zipper on softgoods cover (not shown) Provides Robonaut the capability of performing two-handed tasks with softgoods Softgoods pockets and Velcro inside covering will allow for items to be stowed and removed from the enclosed area
Page No. 24 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Panel E Concluded
Page No. 25 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Deployed Dimensions
Page No. 26 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Free Space Operations LAB1D2 LAB1P2
Page No. 27 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Task Board Operations LAB1D2 LAB1P2
Page No. 28 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut S/W –Robonaut requires multiple software applications and files to be executed and stored on various station platforms. –SSC Client Load Robonaut Operations GUI Halcon (Robonaut Machine Vision S/W) –SSC Server1 Load Robonaut Boot Files Robonaut Parameter Tables Robonaut Script Files Others (TBD) –Robonaut Ground Workstation Robonaut Streaming Data Capture GUI Halcon (Robonaut Machine Vision S/W)
Page No. 29 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Required Station Support Equipment –UOP Cable Assembly (SEG ; 14’ cable) –PEEK 120 VDC 12 AMP 10' Extension Cable (SEG ) –Ethernet Cable (1F x) –USB Speaker Cable (SEG ) –Unbalanced BNC Cable (SED ) –Advanced Video Interface Unit (SED ) –Internal Camera Port (ICP) Interface Cable (SEG ) –Multiuse Bracket Assembly (SEG ) –Velcro Straps (P/N X, different lengths) –Handrail Equipment Anchor Assembly (HEA) (G11F5121-1) –Seat Track Equipment Anchor Assembly (STEA) (P/N TBD) –SSC (Station Support Computer) T61P Laptop (SEG )
Page No. 30 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Interfaces/Connections to ISS/US Lab Power 120 VDC from UOP (UOP 1 currently assigned) Data Joint Station LAN (JSL) (Connected to UIP at Lab1D1) Video AVIU US Lab ICP (Internal Camera Port) CVIU (Common Video Interface Unit) etc (Standard cabin video camera pathway) – Robonaut Vision Video Node 2 Cabin Video – Positioned to face into US Lab to “see” Robonaut.
Page No. 31 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Interfaces/Connections to ISS/US Lab & Ground Resources Ethernet / Joint Station LAN (JSL) Robonaut Telemetry Data –Require “Near Real-time” downlink of Robonaut data Bandwidth: No lower than 100kbs Robonaut raw data will be captured off of OCA LAN on a new workstation (Robonaut Ground Workstation) in MCC next to Admin PC Admin PC Usage –Require Admin PC access to Remote Desktop into on-board ISS SSC Client. –Remote Desktop session will be used to control the Robonaut GUI program on ISS SSC Client to remote control Robonaut. ISS OCA PC Usage –Require OCA PC to uplink new config files as necessary to ISS SSC Server.
Page No. 32 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009)
Page No. 33 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 08/2009) Robonaut Vision Video Downlink Setup