Using FSSE Topical Findings [Part 1: Instructional Webinar] Mahauganee D. Shaw Eddie R. Cole Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research 3/26/2012 NSSE Webinar Series 2012
Webinar Agenda Introduction to FSSE Topical Findings Identifying Topics of Interest Producing Institution-specific Findings Displaying and Presenting Findings Overview of Part 2
FSSE Home>FSSE Findings>Topical Findings Sample analyses on topics of interest Downloadable SPSS Syntax Easily replicated graphic displays of survey findings FSSE Topical Findings
Available Topics Annual Topics Special Topics
Time Spent Studying (CB) FSSE: time students are expected to study for one course FSSE: time students actually spend studying for one course NSSE: time students spend studying during one week
Time Spent Studying (TS) FSSE: time students are expected to study in a typical week FSSE: time students actually study in a typical week NSSE: time students spend studying during one week
Producing Institution-Specific Findings 1st: Know where the needed data files are located Download the syntax file from the FSSE site 2nd: Insert the location of your data file in the syntax Run the syntax and view output 3rd: Review your results Decide on the best way to present your results
Downloading the Syntax
Producing Institution-Specific Findings 1st: Know where the needed data files are located Download the syntax file from the FSSE site 2nd: Insert the location of your data file in the syntax Run the syntax and view output 3rd: Review your results Decide on the best way to present your results
Producing Institution-Specific Findings 1st: Know where the needed data files are located Download the syntax file from the FSSE site 2nd: Insert the location of your data file in the syntax Run the syntax and view output 3rd: Review your results Decide on the best way to present your results
Displaying and Presenting Findings Sample Questions to Ask: Are there major differences between faculty in different disciplines? Are faculty and student responses well-aligned overall? Within specific disciplines? Do faculty responses on my campus vary greatly from the overall FSSE population? How and where can I present this information? What campus groups can benefit from knowing these survey results?
Part 2 of this Webinar Agenda: Purpose & Utility of FSSE Topical Findings Review of information on Web site Q&A regarding experiences with Part 1
CONTACT INFORMATION: Using FSSE Topical Findings [Part 2] April 24, * Phone: (812) * Web site: