Music Video Pitch Charlotte, Rosie, Alex and Vitto
kgJ3vpx6B4http:// kgJ3vpx6B4 AWOH – JME
Black-eyed peas ( I’ve got a feeling) Weird Al Yankovic ( White and Nerdy) Eminem (lose yourself ) JME ( Shut ya mouth ) An individual solo artist song, as it will not allow for much modify Band Rock and Indie genre
swhgOKkhttp:// swhgOKk Weird Al Yankovic – White and Nerdy pAy_cR4http:// pAy_cR4 When I'm here – Roll Deep AP4O6echttp:// AP4O6ec Badman –Roll Deep
Vitto - Bad Guy Flat peaks, Baggy clothes, Hoodies, Over sized cheap jewellery Alex – Nerd Shirt with buttons up, Braces, Pens in pocket, Short trousers, Glasses Rosie – Bad Girl of Possy Similar to Vitto, lots of make-up, cheap jewellery, side pony-tail Need other people, to make up Vitto’s Possy, and the chess group.
JME song playing, starting off with Vitto and crew. As lyrics become more comical, Alex appears with his geeky friends in smart/geeky clothes. Alex driving around in Ford KA, with friends. When not with friends, being eco-friendly on electric scooter. Alex has a comb over, and is walking around a posh area. At parts of the song, to match the lyrics, Alex is sat on a computer with Microsoft Word on the screen. This parades other music videos we have viewed, that feature a nerdy character. Alex tries to get involved with Vitto’s possy, and goes to the shops and buys a drink to try to fit in. Whilst here they all sit at a table and Alex pulls out a pen knife and a miniature water gun. Whilst all the others have real guns and knives.
Vitto, Charlotte, Rosie and Rest of possy, walking around a council estate/run down area, Dealing money and drugs and Alex deals a Comic Book. This parades the White and Nerdy video as one of our influences. In a party scene, Vitto, and possy are all drinking straight shots, whilst Alex and friends, all drink red bull and act hyper, with ‘Dad on the dance floor’ dance moves. This follows the conventions of a typical music video from this genre.
Vitto ‘s Costume Rosie’s Costume Alex’s Costume
Costumes for all characters 3-5 more actors for both groups Camera Plastic water-pistol Pen knife Fake gun Knife Location suitable for both posh area and council estate.
MS – People, objects LS/establishing – area/place, overall situation CU – facial expressions, important images/objects ECU – tension, facial expression 2 Shot – joint character shot, rivalry, team High angle – over top of action, under surveillance Low angle – looking up at taller character Over the shoulder – following, conversation ELS – setting, whole picture, group Trombone Shot Tracking Shot
This shot is an example of the party scene we wish to have in our music video. It will include shots of characters within the party scene. The party scene will have a varied sequence of shots, which will focus on the drink and main characters such as Vitto’s and Alex’s.
In this shot, it would be similar in style, but have Vitto as the bad guy. This would be a shot that would portray Vitto’s character. This would be I different setting, but is a realistic example of the chosen shot style.
This shot is again similar to the what we want to include, but will be of Vitto, as he is the bad guy. This will allow the viewer to see the conventions of Vitto’s character, as we will be able to see the oversized jewellery, baseball cap, rings and clothing. This is important, as the audience can then see a clear distinction between the characters.
This is another example shot which we may include in our music video. This shot would be used to show groups of people be it either the group of bad guys, or the chess group.
This long shot, will be used, to establish a small setting, and characters. It will also have an effect that will gradually make the shot smaller, as the characters move towards the characters.
In this shot, both groups of people are together, and are influencing Alex to smoke. This shows an over view of the situation and can be followed by a close-up of his facial expressions. Also in this shot, there would be more people, so would let the audience see a clear distinction between the two stereotyped groups.
This would be a follow on shot from the group scene, where we could see over the shoulder shots of the two characters, so it gives the illusion that they are in conversation with each other.
Our target audience will have to have Knowledge of the genre Be between This is because the music video would be appropriate for this age group, and if the audience does not have prior knowledge of genre, could get confused or not fully understand, especially for the parody.
MTV Tim Westwood Show Radio 1 Grime TV Channel U