Rathi Nawal & Co.(“RNC”),a Kolkata based Chartered Accountants firm is one of the Reputed firm in Eastern India. It was established by Mr. NAWAL KISHORE RATHI in 1999.
Address :19 Pollock Street,4 th Floor Kolkata ,West Bengal Status: Proprietorship Firm Staff Strength: Article Strength-8 Other Support Staff-5 Firm Regn. No. : 32387E RBI Unique Code No. : PAN No. : ACRPR5189C Service Tax Regn. : ACRPR5189CSD002 Registered Office : Kolkata FIRM PROFILE
RATHI NAWAL & C0. is a Chartered Accountancy Firm rendering comprehensive professional services which include Audit- Statutory Audit, Tax audit, Internal Audit. Our main focus is on our Client’s Satisfaction. We take pride in our ability to provide quality services, whether they are owner –managed business or a large multinational. The firm represents a combination of specialized skills, which enables the firm to keep pace with contemporary developements and to meet the needs of its clients.
About our Proprietor CA. Nawal Kishore Rathi is a fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He passed the Final Examination of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in the year He graduated (B. Com. Hons.) from St. Xavier’s College Kolkata University with 1st Class in He is well versed with the latest developments in the Information technology having applications in the financial fields. After becoming member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, he commenced practice as a Proprietor in the name of RATHI NAWAL & CO.,Chartered Accountants, and at the same time he acted as Financial Advisor from 2006 to 2013 at M/s Royal Touch Fablon Pvt. Ltd. enhancing the growth of the company.
Aim/Vision/Mission With ‘Quality in Priority’ as an ultimate aspiration, RNC’s vision is to nurture a professional Company of Repute. Excellence, Integrity and Independence is the motto of our Company. Client’s satisfaction from our workgroup performances.
Statutory Tax Internal Concurrent Revenue Stock Inforrmation System Compliance Certification Services AUDIT Designing & Amending policies of the compliances Preperation of Accounting Manuals ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS Tax Planning Statutory Compliance TAX ADVICE & COMPLIANCE Debt Syndication Prepration of project report Implementation of project Management Service Housing Loan/ Loan Against Property/ Working Capital/ Project Fund Improvement of Credit Rating FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Services Being Provided
Audit Experience STATUTORY AUDIT Diamond Shipping Co. Ltd. Precious Electro Trade Pvt Ltd Shah Commercial Pvt Ltd Kirti Commosales Pvt Ltd C.K. Plastics Pvt Ltd Nupur Viniyog Pvt Ltd Modern Solar Pvt Ltd Legendary Gems Pvt Ltd INTERNAL AUDIT Modern Impex Jaya Shree Textiles Ltd Jaya Shree Polytex Ltd Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council
STOCK AUDIT Allahabad Bank(Beharampur Zonal Office) BANK AUDIT Allahabad Bank(3 Branches from ) Union Bank of India(3 Branches from ) AUDIT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Women’s College(West Bengal) Milli Al-Ameen College(West Bengal) Chowhatta High School (West Bengal) Kanchantala J.D.I.Institution (West Bengal) EXPORT INCENTIVES Jay Shree Textiles Limited (A Unit Aditya of Birla Nuvo Limited).
Our Team Our team comprises of qualified professionals who have years of experience in their respective fields. Our team of consultant are supported by sophisticated research capabilities, access to key industry players, and a global database. The talented team and technology together enables us to meet all the requirement of the customers with great accuracy and within specified period of time.
Why Us? Some of the factors that have made us the most preferred business consultant throughout are: Effective and Innovative business solution Latest proprietary technology and communications tools Competitive Pricing Highly experienced and qualified workforce Service within specified period time Customer focused Approach
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