Revised October Sixth Framework Programme Priority 5 “Food Quality and Safety” John Claxton European Commission Research Directorate-General Directorate E Biotechnology Agriculture and food research Unit E3- Safety of food production systems
Revised October *Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies * Impact of food on health * Traceability processes all along the production chain * Methods of analysis detection and control * Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and healthier foodstuffs * Impact of animal feed on human health * Environmental health risks
Revised October lImportance of animal production systems driven by human/consumer concerns lLower-input, sustainable systems lFood borne disease/zoonoses lImproving animal production, waste management, welfare lGenomics for higher quality products Animal production systems
Revised October lFood-borne disease from animal feed lEffect of raw materials lAdditives and drugs lNovel protein, fat & energy sources Animal feeds and human health
Revised October EoI assessment lAnimal production and health: 194 EoIs lAnimal feeds: 13 EoIs lMajor overlaps - projects related to animal health in other areas; other areas related to animal feeds lAreas elsewhere in the Framework Programme (eg Support to policies)
Revised October Topics (1) lAnimal welfare lGenomics of host pathogen interactions lSustainability of resources in aquaculture lImproving immunological basis for protection against disease lFundamental animal genomics lEpizootic disease diagnosis and control lApiculture lBiodiversity in Livestock
Revised October Topics (2) lImproved grain legumes lReplacements for additives in feeds lPathogen “free” production systems lAntibiotic resistance lUse of organic wastes
Revised October Requirements lClear linkage to food quality and safety issues - human health lAddress criteria of the instrument lInnovative - application of biotechnologies and genomics
Revised October lWide ranging - reflecting the consumer drive lUniversity and government research establishments lNGOs, consumer bodies lInternational bodies lSMEs Players
Revised October Summary lGood range of projects for basis of workprogramme lNeed for clear linkage to consumer lCross-cutting topics - need to look at other areas of TP5 lAlso other areas of workprogramme are relevant
Revised October Web-pages lCORDIS - lEoIs - lEoI report - analysis.htm lAGRINET - griculture/index_en.html