Health IT for Post Acute Care (HITPAC) Stratis Health Special Innovation Project Candy Hanson, BSN, PHN December 5, 2012
Stratis Health Independent, nonprofit, Minnesota-based organization founded in 1971 –Mission: Lead collaboration and innovation in health care quality and safety, and serve as a trusted expert in facilitating improvement for people and communities Working at the intersection of research, policy, and practice 2
CMS: Making Care Safer Promote effective coordination of careAssure care is person and family-centered Promote the best possible prevention and treatment of the leading causes of mortality, starting with cardiovascular disease Help communities support better health Make care more affordable for individuals, families, employers, and governments by reducing the costs of care through continual improvement 3
What we will cover today: HITPAC- What is it? HITPAC Benefits HITPAC Opportunity What’s Next? 4
HITPAC is: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Special Innovation Project: Health Information Technology for Post-Acute Care Providers (HITPAC). Assist post acute care providers in Minnesota— focusing on skilled nursing facilities (SNF) 5
Improve quality and coordination of care through the effective use of health information technology (HIT) during care transitions Leverage standardized patient assessment content to facilitate health information exchange (HIE) with hospitals Reduce medical errors by improving the medication management process through the use of EHR functionality 6
2-3 Communities of Care in MN with at least 5 SNF and 1 Hospital SNF will collaborate to exchange standardized assessments and other documents Hospitals will provide updated transitions of care information 7
Our Key Collaborators… Aging Services of MinnesotaCare Providers of MinnesotaCHIC (Community Health Information Collaborative)Minnesota Alliance for Patient SafetyMinnesota Department of HealthLeadingAge /Center for Aging Services TechnologyMinnesota Hospital Association 8
Stratis Health willParticipating organization will Provide a qualified team of staff to lead and support the project Create a multidisciplinary team committed to the aims of the project and to working with Stratis Health Designate a primary contact, who will have expertise and ready access to best practices, resources, and tools Designate one person who, in a leadership capacity, can drive and support the organization’s efforts and serve as the Stratis Health contact Obtain endorsement from its Board, CEO, and Quality Director Meet on-site at the organization with the project team as appropriate Participate in on-site visits with Stratis Health staff 9
Stratis Health willParticipating Organization will Develop and facilitate opportunities for project teams to come together in collaborative educational workshops for learning, sharing, and networking Participate in educational sessions, collaborative sessions, and teleconference calls Provide reporting assistance to project teams, provide assistance with synthesizing data results Assist Stratis Health to aggregate de-identified baseline and re-measurement data around re- hospitalizations and med errors, and other data we mutually identify Provide support to project teams to use data results to make organizational changes Establish target goals and work on improving systems of care Maintain a strong commitment to leverage opportunities to advance and align the project with partners and stakeholders Be willing to share best practices and lessons learned Provide a template for the project team’s organization to release news of organizations participation in a new project to local media Provide local media with information of participation in this project and be identified publicly with the project Promote accomplishments and lessons learned of project team organizations Share experiences and outcomes with others Maintain confidentiality around organizational data gathered through the project 10
“An unique opportunity…” HIT consulting servicesPost-acute care providers in Minnesota that qualify and are selected for the HITPAC program will receive technical assistance and HIT consulting services Stratis Health will work with you to advance EHR adoption and use towards achieving HIE around transitions of careStratis Health will work with you to advance EHR adoption and use towards achieving HIE around transitions of care HIT consulting servicesPost-acute care providers in Minnesota that qualify and are selected for the HITPAC program will receive technical assistance and HIT consulting services Stratis Health will work with you to advance EHR adoption and use towards achieving HIE around transitions of careStratis Health will work with you to advance EHR adoption and use towards achieving HIE around transitions of care 11
Long Term Post Acute Care (LTPAC) Facilities will receive help with: Technical assistance; Identify barriers and best practices Use of patient assessment content (eg., MDS) to support transitions of care and shared care. Health IT standards that support interoperable exchange Education and technical assistance on medication management using HIT and HIE activities Assist with workflow and organizational culture HIT adoption Education on use of data elements 12
Acute Care Facilities- Hospitals will receive: Assistance with Health IT standards that support interoperable exchange of patient assessment content HIPTAC will provide education and assistance on the topic of Stage 2 Meaningful Use Core Measure 12 Assistance with incorporating HIE into daily operational workflow Technical assistance, facilitation with data elements, training on workflow redesign 13
What Happens Next? Express interest in participating in the HITPAC Special Innovation Project online at:
For more information or questions: Candy Hanson, Program Manager, HITPAC This material was prepared by Stratis Health, the Minnesota Medicare Quality Improvement Organization, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The materials do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. 10SOW-MN-SIP HIT