Imperial College, London Pore Scale Modelling: Pore - to - Reservoir Upscaling Project Plans by IDOWU N. A.
Imperial College, London Research Objective –To link pore-scale information directly into field scale simulation Previous Work –Network models for prediction of relative permeabilities and other rock properties for two- and three-phase flow have been developed
Imperial College, London Methodolgy Pore Scale: Capillary forces dominated displacement Core Scale: Viscous and capillary forces dominated displacement Field Scale: Gravity, viscous and capillary forces dominated displacement Upscaling
Imperial College, London Major Challenges –Development of a new reservoir simulator –Incorporation of detailed history of saturation changes and phase saturation for accurate multiphase flow properties predictions at pore scale Deliverable –To develop a tool for derivation of effective value of flow properties (up-scaling) from pore- scale information for better reservoir performance prediction