Health and Safety Conference 2011 Evaluation Results February 2011
Summary of Evaluation Results 87 attendees (72 delegates,15 Health and Safety Dept) 49/72 delegates provided post-conference evaluation (68%)
Overall Assessment of Conference Delegates’ Comments This was very helpful and the half day very useful (long enough). Informative + enjoyable. I picked up a few helpful nuggets of info during the day. Thanks for organising. More regular H&S conferences like this. Ensure proper use of microphones by all! (Not all speakers have voices that carry).
Conference Usefulness Please indicate how useful you found the Conference
Future Events If the event were repeated, for example with a topic based conference, would you be likely to attend?
Suggestions for H&S topics for future events
Topics It would be interesting to hear about trends in accidents / near misses that are reported to CMG. A smaller forum of more specific area – e.g. Biological lab safety. H&S reporting and recording to remain compliant with UoE and statutory regulations. Discussion groups on H&S topics to share good practice. Stress risk assessment. Disabled access (PEEP) Chemicals, COSHH and risk assessments AON audits
Comments I think Lesley Yellowlees (Academics) should be involved in PI training. Too laboratory / chemical specific. A smaller forum of more specific area – e.g. Biological lab safety. Enjoyed Joe Brannigan’s (Estates & Buildings) talk and safety advisors – low risk elements. Enjoyed hearing from other H&S people and how it is managed in other areas of the University. Speakers not at all engaging.