Closing session Issues and questions from the audience and some from me Rüdiger Schmidt.


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Presentation transcript:

Closing session Issues and questions from the audience and some from me Rüdiger Schmidt

Programme Introduction Roberto Saban Safety for the LHC John Robert Etheridge (CERN) Safety for the LHC Safety during Hardware Commissioning Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci Safety during Hardware Commissioning Safety during the interventions Hugues Thiesen Safety during the interventions Electrical works vs Not electrical works in electrical environment Valerie Montabonnet Electrical works vs Not electrical works in electrical environment Special cases of cryogenic intervention Serge Claudet Special cases of cryogenic intervention ElQA activities David Bozzini ElQA activities Energy Extraction system Knud Dahlerup-Petersen Energy Extraction system QPS system and its risks Reiner Denz QPS system and its risks New documentation Hugues Thiesen New documentation General CERN safety Marc Vadon General CERN safety Closing session Rüdiger Schmidt Closing session

Introduction Roberto Saban No comments

Safety for the LHCSafety for the LHC John Robert Etheridge The documents for health and safety are public, could they included into the documentation systems to have simpler access? Journal of documents to be created?

Safety during Hardware CommissioningSafety during Hardware Commissioning Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci Teams from ACR managing the access card / key / token for the cooldown from 300K – 80 K, after agreement of HCC. Access to powering subsector for magnets powered with more than 1 kA (others than main dipole and quadrupole magnets) – access close-by the magnets / DFS that is powered is not possible, to be detailed. – allowed to pass-by?

Safety during the interventionsSafety during the interventions Hugues Thiesen During the phase when power converters are not connected to the magnets (e.g. cooldown), what is required to work on eg. current leads, DC cables? The EIC must agree to the intervention, and the “Chargé de travaux” asks for the consignation. One key for locking-off a power converter remain with PO “Chargé de Consignation”. An additional lock can/must be done by the “Chargé de travaux”? Not required, decision left to “Chargé de travaux”. Are the procedures expained differently in the training in French / English? The “Permit de travail” is not sufficient to start the intervention. Who decides what circuits must be locked-off? “Chargé de travaux” should compile the list of the PCs to be locked off. The data should exist to assist compiling the list. Other will help. Info on web pages help. What kind of interventions fall under this category? Also minor interventions with no electrical risks? How to decide if there is a risk? Similar procedures for fluids, cryofluids, ….. see S.Claudet presentation

Electrical works vs Not electrical works in electrical environmentElectrical works vs Not electrical works in electrical environment Valerie Montabonnet Any kind of work (e.g. mechnical) on electrical systems requires the same procedure! Example CV Group: should there be some members with the correct “habilitation electrique type B2”? (being debated…..) – this does not seem to be always current practice – should have been done years ago and other accelertors? We we are running the LHC hardware commissioning, other accelerators and other project phases are not within our mandate (risks are different) Other groups face similar issues during commissioning, there is some immediate action required, for example for the warm magnet commissioning If several teams are working on the same circuits, how to go about the locking-off? Analyse of the risks is the first step, several actors can be involved (you have help) Could we pre-analysis risks and provide documentation for typical type of interventions? Has started…..

Special cases of cryogenic interventionSpecial cases of cryogenic intervention Serge Claudet From 300K to 80K members from ACR provide access card / key / token, coordinated with HCC Below 80K: HCC can give access Opening, cutting and welding requires a “work permit” “Chargé de travaux”– “Intervention Team Leader” – We need a dictonary with the teminology in French and English (DSO for AT) for the interventions on the electrical / cryogenic systems For working on a cryo-magnet, first vent the vacuum envelope: is a work permit required for opening the vacuum? The level 4 training is available on the Web, but can also be done on several PCs in bat.55

ElQA activitiesElQA activities David Bozzini Electrical safety subsector: very useful! Does if correspond to the areas in the warmap? Not quite, since it does not include the power converter What about other activities after ELQA, do we still need to consider the entire arc as an Electrical safety subsector? Do we need to lock off all power converters? According to the rule: YES! How to go about it? Special procedures? Example: exchange of one of the 6200 QPS Heater supplies. Who is the GLIMOS? Also QPS equipment has to be locked-off Not for all interventions all type of equipment needs to be locked off (for example, to exchange a QP heater supply no consignation is required) Slide 13: very good example of the responsibilities, could be an example for others (iteration required on details)

ElQA activitiesElQA activities David Bozzini Electrical safety subsector: very useful! Does if correspond to the areas in the warmap? Not quite, since it does not include the power converter What about other activities after ELQA, do we still need to consider the entire arc as an Electrical safety subsector? Do we need to lock off all power converters? According to the rule: YES! How to go about it? Special procedures? Example: exchange of one of the 6200 QPS Heater supplies. Who is the GLIMOS? Also QPS equipment has to be locked-off Slide 13: very good example of the responsibilities, could be an example for others (iteration required on details) Names required, roles to be clearly defined Not clear who is responsible for future intervention, if electrical / cryogenics / vacuum equipment is concerned – what about the longer term future after HC? Do we have the manpower to do all this? No shortcuts to be taken!

Energy Extraction systemEnergy Extraction system Knud Dahlerup-Petersen everything is locked, and Knud will not tell us where to find it

QPS system and its risksQPS system and its risks Reiner Denz How to identify quench heater PS that needs to be switched-off (locked- off). Needs at least stickers. Procedure needs to be formalised / publicised. Additional labels on connectors were proposed – tbd.

New documentationNew documentation for HC Hugues Thiesen New EDH documents “avis de travail”, also “to be commissioned” Development for “avis de travail” in EDH with all kind of tools (what happen(s)ed yesterday, today, tomorrow, …..) For the first type of intervention a visit of the workplace is required.

General CERN safetyGeneral CERN safety Marc Vadon no questions

Example of another risks Collimators can close, keep your finger out! In general, DO NOT TOUCH