The Hero’s Quest
Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell “Follow your bliss.” 1904 – 1987 American mythologist, writer, and lecturer. Campbell noticed reoccurring elements and patterns in myths from around the world. Most notably, reoccurring hero myths.
“The hero is the same, but the costume changes.” Joseph Campbell called this the Monomyth, or “one story.” This is the diagram he created to illustrate this concept:
Stages of the Monomyth 1.Birth 2.Call to Adventure 3.Mentor/Amulet 4.Crossing the Threshold 5.Tests 6.Helpers 7.Climax/Supreme Ordeal 8.Flight 9.Return 10.Elixir 11.Home
Birth/Beginning Fabulous circumstances surrounding conception, birth, and childhood establish the hero’s pedigree Prophecies, legends, omens Often a Monomyth cycle by itself.
Call to Adventure Call to Adventure: An external event or messenger. The hero may accept the call willingly or reluctantly.
Mentor/Amulet Someone who provides advice and protection. a wizard old man a dwarf a crone a fairy godmother Provides a protective amulet or weapon for the journey.
Crossing the Threshold Everyday world into the world of adventure. entering a dark cave being swallowed up by a whale Contrast the familiar world and the world of adventure light and the dark known and unknown
Tests Violent encounters with monsters, sorcerers, warriors Forces of nature. Puzzles Helps the hero grow and learn Moves the story towards the climax/conflict.
Helpers They help the hero get through it all. usually a loyal companion Supernatural person who provides vital information or assistance.
Climax/Supreme Ordeal The Showdown Often a final battle with a wizard, warrior, or monster It’s go time and the game is on the line Settles what caused the adventure
Flight Return to the threshold and prepare to go back to everyday life. Possible pursuit – Hey you took our stuff! You killed my brother, king, etc. May take the form of a hasty flight. The flight may be a benign stage of the journey.
Return Homecoming Back from the world of adventure. Can be an awakening rebirth resurrection coming out of a cave or forest. A force from the everyday world brings the hero back.
Elixir What did I get for that quest? The object, knowledge, or blessing being brought back. Sometimes it has a restorative or healing function Serves to define the hero's role in the society.
Home/End The hero comes home. Save Serve Protect