All animals need to exchange substances with the environment Diffusion › Surface area › Concentration gradient › Distance SURFACE AREA : VOLUME › Bacteria – /m › Whale – 0.06/m Maximum size limit of single cell All organisms larger than size limit are MULTICELLULAR
Surface area to volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger !
Avoidance Geometric solutions Increase surface area Decrease effective volume Increase rate of supply High concentration of nutrients Improve nutrient transport within Improve efficiency to reduce demand Division of labor within the cell Division of labor between cells
Evolved many times in eukaryotes Three theories › Symbiotic Theory Like the endosymbiotic theory Different species are involved › Syncytial Theory Ciliates and slime molds Commonly occur in multinucleated cells › Colonial Theory (Haeckel, 1874) Same species are involved Green algae (Chlorophyta) > 7000 species Model: Volvocine series – Order Volvocales
Unicellular flagellate Isogamy
Small colony (4, 8,16, or 32 cells) Flat plane, mucilage No differentiation Isogamy Intercellular communication
Colony (8, 16, or 32 cells) in 1 layer Spherical Isogamy Anterior cells larger eyespots Coordinate flagellar movement Colony dies when disrupted
16 or 32 cells 16 cells – no specialization 32 – 4 for motility, the rest for reproduction Heterogamy – female gametes not released Halves are more pronounced
32 to 128 cells Heterogamy – female gametes not released, in some cases becoming truly non- motile Division of labor › Anterior vegetative cells › Larger posterior reproductive cells
Spherical colonies ( cells) Hollow sphere – coenobium Cell differentiation: somatic/vegetative cells and gonidia 2-50 scattered in the posterior reproductive Female reproductive cells daughter colonies Intercellular communication possible
Reproduction in the Volvox
Unicellular colonial life Increase in # of cells in colonies Change in shape of colony Increase in interdependence among vegetative cells Increase in division of labor: vegetative and reproductive cells Isogamy anisogamy oogamy Fewer female gametes are produced
Increase in size of the organism Permits cell specialization Increase in surface area to volume ratio
Interdependence Complexity
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