Cooling Studies Gavin Leithall, RAL
Collaboration Meeting 28/03/062 Cooling Test Rig System to produce a controlled nitrogen gas flow with –Variable temperatures (-100 o C to 20 o C) –Variable flow rates (0-20 litres / min) System to read temperatures from platinum resistors Gas Mass flow controller Heat exchangerFilter Regulator Heater Thermocouple Liquid nitrogen Control Box To Computer
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/063 Quarter barrel construction End plate InletOutlet Side view of quarter barrel Resistors Ladders End plates Gas In Gas Out
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/064 The Physics Quarter barrel Temperature = T q Gas In Temperature = T i Flow rate = v Gas Out Temperature = T o Flow rate = v Heating power = P i Power lost to surroundings = P s Surrounding temperature = T s
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/065 Testing a hypothesis P g (power gain of gas) can be calculated by P g = cv (T o – T i ) (c = specific heat capacity) I made a hypothesis about P g : P g = hv (T q – T i ) –h is the heat transfer coefficient, assumed constant, but could be a function of v, T q, T i Graphs of P g against the other variables gave good support for the hypothesis
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/066 Temperature distribution for 5 litres / min
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/067 Temperature distribution for 20 litres / min
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/068 Recent Work Testing a new configuration –Five inlets: one on each level –Same outlet Continual verification of the hypothesis Temperature distribution measurements underway
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/069 CFD studies in Oxford Stephanie has been running simulations of the quarter barrel gas flow
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/0610 Comparison Simulation and experiment show good agreement
Gavin Leithall, RALCollaboration Meeting 28/03/0611 Simulation of new configurations