The boy with the crazy idea CHARLIE FORBES
Introduction about myself My name is Charlie Forbes, and I am studying level 3 animation the course number is My ID number is I had a choice whether to do a book based on something dead or on a children's book. My choice was a children's book. I chose to do this because I watch more children movies than I do watching death movies.
Mission statement This presentation is based on my idea on a children's theme. I have decided that My idea is going to be a movie as one of thing and not a TV series because I don't like the idea of keep having to focus on the same project over and over. I would want to have a new idea, a new story with different characters. My film is going to be 2D as I find it easier to use the software and to design my characters from that method. My target audience is children aged 10 and above as my story is based on a child who is 10 years old with wild dreams. You will find my film in the cinema after a while it will air on children's shows and popular channels such as BB1, BB3 or ITV.
INTRODUCTION My idea is based on ratatouille as the movie is set in a restaurant where they serve their foods to their customers. This relates to my idea as I have created a waiter who is on skates serving people his food. However my idea also links with cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 as the food in the movie comes to life. This relates to my idea as the characters come up with an amazing idea to spike the secret recipe which changes animals into the foods they eat for example, a rabbit turning into a carrot, a mouse made from cheese. I also got my idea from Princess and the frog, because the main character has always had the dream of having her own restaurant. She saves her money and buys an old broken place but she transforms it into something amazing. She made her dreams come true. Watching the triplets of belleville. I enjoyed watching how the waiter walks around the restaurant serving his customers. I found it funny and amusing watching him. It has given me some ideas of how to present my waiter and how he should act.
My inspiration Another inspiration for my idea came from BB1 where they air a show called ‘Junior British bake off’. This program give children the chance to show off their cooking skills. The youngest age can be up to 9. This relates to my idea my main characters dreams is to become a chef in his own restaurant. This gave me inspiration as I wanted my character to start of at a young age wanting to reach his dreams and achieving them. Just like the children on the show, they show of their cooking skills and when they win they get a prize. Here is a small video showing you what the show is about: British bake offBritish bake of My inspiration started in traditional animation when i started scribbling on my paper. I was looking for shapes and characters. In this picture it shows what shapes I found.
summary of the STORY At the start of the story it tells us about a young boy called Tavis aged 10 who sits at school in his lunch breaks thinking about his dreams. His life changes when a new boy starts the school called Clive, Clive is into magic and entertaining people just like Travis as he loves to make people laugh and smile. Travis parents doesn’t support his dreams as they think it's not possible and just a silly dream that he has. Half way through the story Travis feels distant from his parents as they push him and his dreams away. His friend Clive is a crazy wild boy whose mind and creations are mental. Tavis and Clive spend most of their time together learning each other's skills. Travis developed his skills from his grandma which she then advised him to go to a cooking lesson to help him improve more...
Summary of the story When Travis left school he got a job in a little cafe waitressing. He save up his money so he could build his own restaurant. He wants a grand restaurant that is different from all the others. After a couple of years Travis has enough, once he's glammed up his own restaurant he has finally achieved his dreams and proved his parents wrong. Every Night he would stay at the restaurant working on his invention and turned his food into animals. After using Clive’s magic spell. He turned cheese into a mouse, a dog made of bones, a rabbit made of carrots, and a cat made of fish. He had created a new species.
Primary pictures
Restaurant visuals
Location of the movie My film idea will be placed in Germany as its one of the largest populations with ‘80.8 million in 2014’. Germany are marked as third in the Europe as one of the top animations. Germany have produced 20 animation films which was released from and was ranked fourth in European Union.
For my primary research I asked 5 boys and 5 girls about what sort of books they read. The tables below show my results. I found that most children buy their books for he shops and most of the children read at weekend.
market Advertising: I will advertise my film on posters around childrens schools and in supermarkets. I will also advertise my film on Tv adverts. I will show them at 7am and 4pm as children tend to watch TV in the mornings and when they come home from school. Competition: My competition will be dispicable 3, croods 2, Pinocchio, get smurfy. Theses come out in the same year as my movie will come out so I will have to advertise my movie a lot more to show my target audience that they should come and watch my movie.
To help create my movie I am going to need to use a computer, preferably a mac. I will be using a graphics tablet to animate my characters myself. I have been using my sketch books to design my characters and design the ideas of the story. For example having the setting and the background and the development of my characters. I will do most of the animating on my own. I will do my own voice overs, my own colours, my own character concepts and ect... I am going to need a studio where I can employ my employees to help create my concept. I will need to employ a storyboard artist. This will take me about 2 years to create. Studio per month- £215 storyboard artist- £7 per hour (6 months) : Overall my project will cost about : £19,272 Equipment list and costings
Thank You for listening
Bibliography [acsessed 18/11/15] studio rental in London. [acsessed 29/11/15] storyboard artist. [assessed 30/11/15] Focus of animation [accessed 29/11/15]