Adding & Subtracting Within 5 TTE 316: Teaching Mathematics/Technology with Young Students Victoria Vega
The Lesson The Big Idea o Mathematicians know problems can be modeled using objects, pictures, and words. o By the end of the lesson students will be able to Compose and decompose numbers 0 through 5 with little to no support Solve adding and subtracting within 5 scenarios through modeling with manipulatives Objectives K.0A.1. Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. (Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics.) K.0A.5. Fluently add and subtract within 5 K.CC.4. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. How did I do this? My Approach I read the 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on The Bed text, and each student had their own paper monkey manipulatives. This was the introduction into understanding the motion and concept of “taking away”. This then proceeded into different math scenarios I told about the monkeys and they answered questions through modeling with their monkeys.
o Click on the videos to play what happened! o The kids interacted really well the story! They enjoyed “reading” it with me and acting it out with their monkeys as the story progressed. o We went through many different math story problems with the monkeys: For instance, the monkeys hoola- hooped, they sang, they danced, they acted silly on the bed. I believe that this kept the math problems engaging-as opposed to if I had repeated “___ monkeys were jumping on the bed. __ monkeys fell off.” Students contributed ideas and we started creating our own scenarios in addition to the scenarios I had pre- planned o The students really grasped the concept of “taking away” and “adding” through moving around their manipulatives; this was demonstrated as they were accurately able to depict each story problem and in their final assessment. What happened?
Assessment Component * I allowed the students to use their manipulatives before drawing their picture, and then asked the students to draw the scenario. This way I had a tangible form of assessment in addition to my observing and informal assessing throughout the lesson. This also allowed me to see who needed support and who did not need support, which was part of my ‘assessment rubric’ that I had created prior to the lesson. “There were five monkeys jumping on the bed. Two fell off and bumped there head. How many monkeys are still jumping on the bed?”
Positives oF The Lesson o Students remained engaged through entire duration of lesson o Goals and objectives for this lesson plan were met o Students had an opportunity to share aloud their thought processes o Posing questions to students such as: How did you get that? Did you get that answer too? /Did you get the same answer as ______?” Can you show us you how you got that? o I had put in place many access points to benefit students whose first language is not English (which ultimately benefited all of my students: Modeling thinking aloud with manipulatives Clarification in language 1 Partner work And appropriate wait time Repetition (which is in part why I chose to use this text as an introduction to this lesson
Areas for future growth: Lesson o Printing the monkeys in black and white. (While I was modeling the scenarios with the students, they became focused on which monkey it was that I had “taken away”. For example, if I had removed the one in yellow pajamas, they needed to take away the one with the yellow pajamas. I felt this took away from my focus.) o In my own classroom, I would really work on cultivating a learning environment that allows group work/pair work to be most effective. I want my students to be comfortable working with one another and also know that when we work in groups: we take turns, we both share ideas, we both listen to one another’s ideas. (I noticed in my lesson some students didn’t share aloud as much, and in pairs one would do all of the work) As a teacher o Not making suggestions while my student’s are explaining their thinking. There is one point in the video where a student is sharing how she got an answer, and I became so fixated on her making sure she shared each aspect, I took away the authenticity behind her “sharing aloud experience”. If I could do anything over in this lesson, this would be first and foremost. o Ensuring that each student is sharing aloud and equally participating. In the video I saw one student that was looking at her peers, and I felt like if I had her sit next to me this would have been beneficial for the both of us. She has a quiet voice and at time when she did share, I didn’t hear her until I watched the video back to myself. If I could do over this lesson knowing what I know now, and in future group work, I will be more attentive.