The Turks. 9:12-21 Sixth Trumpet - the Turks AD Long duration - concerned with the surviving eastern Roman empire. 9:14 Saracens to be followed by military power based near Euphrates in the east. Four angels - military powers, myriads of horsemen, intended effect to destroy remaining Eastern Roman empire with political death.
Attacks on Eastern Empire. Tartar or Turkish races accepted religion of Islam rather than extermination, but did not absorb civilising influences of their conquerors. Remained for centuries fanatical Mohammedans, horde after horde swept across boundary of Euphratean lands. 9:15 Duration 391 years - ended in 1453 with fall of Constantinople.
Primitive Canon
391 Years. During the 391 years invaders succeeded by - ‘Genghis Khan’ - Mongul power arose in India. In N.W. Anatolia (Turkey) Ottoman Turks arose in 1301 gained first victory over Byzantines - in 1453 took Constantinople. Political eastern Empire came to end; Greek Catholicism ejected from city - became Turkish capital. Catholic Patriarch fled to Moscow - “Third Rome.”
No Repentance. 9:16 Word for ‘thousands’ is ‘myriads’- Turkish cavalry described as, “being, both men and horses computed by myriads.” (Gibbon) 9:17 Canon - new weapon used by Turks - Jacinth is deep purple - suggests bluish smoke of gunpowder, from brimstone constituents - indications long beforehand. 9:21 In spite of calamitous fall, “neither repented they”.
The Ottoman Empire
Effects of Trumpet Blasts. Scriptures texts were spread abroad by fleeing Greeks - coincided with invention of printing. Effect of six trumpet blasts - destruction of three cultural divisions of imperial Roman Empire - still no repentance. 11:15 At seventh trumpet blast Jesus will yet destroy false systems of religion - unless they repent - and “the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ”
River Euphrates