Uzbekistan A Land of Fascination
General Info Capital- Tashkent Population- 28,128,600 people Square miles- 172,740 Native language- Uzbek Religion- 88% of people are Muslims
History Humans have lived there for about 100,000 years In the 4 th century, Alexander the Great conquered the land of central Asia The Silk Road was developed, it connected China to Europe and ran through Uzbekistan
History Mongol leader, Genghis Khan wanted to make peace, but his ambassadors were killed and his attacked the land Years later, Russia and Great Britain wanted the land of central Asia They fought a war called the Great Game, it lasted about 100 years, Russia won
Government Uzbekistan declared their independence when the Soviet Union collapsed Islam Karimov was the 1 st elected president The People’s Democratic Party is the only official gov’t party
Geography Lots of oases in Uzbekistan Tons of mountains surround it Kyzyl Kum Desert covers 80% Icy winters, but hot summers in desert Fergana Valley has parts in three countries Syr Darya, a large body of water, runs through Fergana Mild climate
Culture 12 dialects are known as Uzbek 12 vowels and 25 consonants Add root words to add gender and number Food is different from U.S. Easy breakfast, main meal is about noon Lots of fruits and vegetables are grown in Uzbekistan
Culture There isn’t much meat in Uzbekistan Most common type of meat is sheep The two most popular types of sausage are horse-meat and sheep lungs and intestines
That’s Uzbekistan