Nonflowering Plants
Plant Kingdom Flowering Plants Non-flowering Plants
Non - flowering Plants Some plants don’t produce flowers and seeds. Non-flowering plants such as ferns and mosses produce spores instead of seeds.
Spores Spores are microscopic specks of living material. Ferns produce their spores on the undersides of the leaves.
Examples of Mosses
Characteristics of Mosses Mosses are some of the simplest plants with simple stems and leaves. Mosses have spores which can be found inside a capsule. The spores are dispersed by the wind.
Examples of Mosses spores
Examples of Ferns
Characteristics of Ferns Ferns are plants that reproduce through spores which are found on the underside of leaves. Ferns can be found in damp and shady places. They have roots, feathery leaves, and underground stems.
Gymnosperms Some plants don’t have flowers or spores. Gymnosperms are plants that produce seeds in cones.
Examples of Gymnosperms
Characteristics of Gymnosperms Gymnosperms reproduce with cones. They are tall evergreen trees with roots and a woody stem. Gymnosperms have needle-shaped leaves. They are usually found in dry places.