EATING DISORDERS Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Characterized by: Intense fear of gaining weight Low body weight Distorted/unrea listic view of ones body Self-starvation
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Cultural- Perfect body Appearance-oriented professions or activities Family- Critical, family history of anorexia. Personality- perfectionist, need to be in control Weighing food and counting calories Not eating or eating very little Over exercising Moving food around on plate instead of eating it Weighing self multiple times a day Wearing baggy clothes CAUSESWARNING SIGNS
BULIMIA NERVOSA Characterized by: Frequent episodes of binging followed by purging Constant struggle between staying thin/ loosing weight and the overwhelming compulsion to binge eat Excessive exercising, fasting, or crash dieting vs. purging
BULIMIA NERVOSA Poor body image History of trauma or abuse Appearance-oriented professions or activities Lack of control over eating Eating in secret Disappearance of food Going to the restroom after meals Using laxatives, diuretics or enemas Smell of vomit Frequent fluctuation in weight CAUSESWARNING SIGNS
TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR EATING DISORDERS ANOREXIA- healthcare team of doctors, nutritionist and therapist BULIMIA- cognitive- behavioral therapy (change thoughts=change behavior Inpatient vs. outpatient
ANOREXIA, BULIMIA OR BOTH Binge eating Extremely low body weight Excessive exercise Ruptured esophagus Body image issues Starvation Loss of hair Eating in secret Laxative abuse Inpatient or Outpatient treatment option