Developing GRID Applications GRACE Project


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Presentation transcript:

Developing GRID Applications GRACE Project

Why do we want to run an application on the GRID ? Compute power Storage resources Parallel processing

What does GRACE aims to do ? GRid enabled seArch and Categorization Engine GRACE proposes the development of a distributed search and categorization engine that will enable just ‑ in ‑ time, flexible allocation of data and computational resources GRACE handles unstructured textual information (text files, documents, Web pages, text stored in databases) in GRID environment Project’s lifetime: Sept 2002-February 2005

Which GRID ? extended testbed standard high-level functionalities supported documented efficient cheap reliable APPLICATIONS FABRIC MIDDLEWARE

GRACE Architecture GRACE Application Heterogeneous data sources classified by knowledge domain

GRACE Architecture Categorization Engine Heterogeneous data sources classified by knowledge domain GRACE Search Hub GRACE node

Client Application Document Processor Grace Catalog DataSource Interface Categorization engine B1. B2. B3. A1. NFP A2. B4. GRACE Node Storage element B5. Result set JDLXML response Grid Env NFP Search Hub KD B0. Categorization Engine: It takes as an input one or more lists of NFPs (the output from multiple Grace Catalogs), and additional user’s input (e.g. query, predefined taxonomies, etc.). The output is a map of the resulting categories, and their relation to the documents. User profile

Document Processor: it processes input documents and their meta ‑ data. The output for each document is called NFP (Normal Form Page), which includes the digested document data, ready for the categorization algorithm. This NFP is context ‑ free and thus have a 1:1 relation to the document. GRACE Catalog: an abstraction of search engine. It can sit on ‑ top of an actual search engine, a database, or any other query ‑ supporting module. Its purpose is to translate a user query into the native query language, and its output is a list of results (Result-Set). Each result must contain a reference to the original document and a reference to the matching NFP file Categorization Engine: It takes as an input one or more lists of NFPs (the output from multiple Grace Catalogs), and additional user’s input (e.g. query, predefined taxonomies, etc.). The output is a map of the resulting categories, and their relation to the documents. Search Hub: it can handle automatic redirection of a user query to the relevant catalogs, by propagating an appropriate JDL section derived from the original job description. Storage Element: Grid Storage Element Node where NPF are stored DS Interface: it represents the generic interface to data sources, which can be both internal or external to the Grid

General Problems APPLICATIONS FABRIC MIDDLEWARE Evolving technology timing standards documentation Young technology lack of functionalities stability / security lack of experience

General Problems (2) Few available experts and updated documentation No supported Grid infrastructure for application development available