Computer Graphic Creator: Mohsen Asghari Session 4 Fall 2014
Agenda Continue of 2D Transformation (Translation) Homogenous Coordination Steps of Create A world Find 3D position in Image Plane
Find 3D position in Image Plane
Homogeneous Coordinates Problem: Two parallel lines can intersect. What if this point goes far away to infinity? The point at infinity would be (∞,∞), and it becomes meaningless in Euclidean (اقلیدسی) space. Solution: Homogeneous Coordinates To make 2D Homogeneous coordinates, we simply add an additional variable, w, into existing coordinates. Therefore, a point in Cartesian coordinates, (X, Y) becomes (x, y, w)
Why is it called "homogeneous"? As mentioned before, in order to convert from Homogeneous coordinates (x, y, w) to Cartesian (دکارتی) coordinates, we simply divide x and y by w;
Steps of Create A world Vertex Data Model View Matrix Object Coordinates Projection Matrix Eye Coordinates Divided by W Clip Coordinates View Port Transform GL_MODELVIEW GL_PROJECTION Normalize Device Coordinates Window Coordination GL.ViewPort()