SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Module 2: Involving All the Players SWITCH Training Kit Module 2: Involving All the Players Working together for integration in urban water management An overview
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Integration needs collaboration... because it is important to... get a holistic overview of current water uses in the city develop a common vision of water in the city for the future balance interests and needs of users create synergies and bundle resources and capacities
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Ways of working with stakeholders Different levels of involvement: information consultation decision-making implementation
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Stakeholders analysis Stakeholder analysis: brainstorming more detailed researching definition of mandates and competencies determination of key stakeholders
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Institutional mapping looking behind the scenes of power relationships understanding the reality – rather than the rules can lead to politically sensitive results
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Striving for social inclusion fair access to water basic needs of all water users to be met disadvantaged groups of society must have their say, too
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Stakeholders different spheres of government: regional, national, sub-national, local water utilities and companies farmers businesses community-based organisations universities and research institutions schools media...
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Learning Alliances strong focus on joint learning processes: involvement of researchers in advancing IUWM essential bridging scientific innovation, policies and practices up-scaling
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Getting stakeholders on board understand different interests/ agendas of stakeholders speak their language highlight benefits, provide incentives create space for those less familiar with participation aim for ownership through development of common vision
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Keeping stakeholders on board long-term planning, but also short-term action with visible outcomes highlighting success stories regular communication public recognition of capacities and resources invested by stakeholder create opportunities for stakeholders to raise profile
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Process facilitation Who should be in charge of facilitation? Who has the mandate/the capacity? Where do the resources come from? What are the main methods of coordination and collaboration? What will be done in cases of conflicts?
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Monitoring and evaluation M & E of collaborative process as important as M & E of technical implementation Basis: process documentation Micro-scenarios for qualitative assessment
SWITCH Training Kit: Module 2 – Involving All the Players Acknowledgements Ralph Philip and Barbara Anton ICLEI – Local Government’s for Sustainability based on the joint efforts of the following SWITCH partners: C. Batchelor, J. Butterworth, P. Moriarty, J. Pels, C. da Silva-Wells, T. Schouten, J. Verhagen (IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre), A. Martin, V. Nelson, A. Sutherland, (NRI – Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich), B. Darteh (KNUST - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology), C. Green (Middlesex University) The UNESCO-IHE led SWITCH project runs from Feb to Jan and is part- financed by Directorate General Research of the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme. For more information see This presentation has been produced as part of the SWITCH Training Kit by: