Philosophies of Modernism
Overall Ideas of Modernism It was a literary movement of the early 20 th Century – Daring experimentation – Rejection of traditional themes and styles of the 19 th century and realism Started as a result to the emergence of city life as a central force of society
Feelings of Disillusionment Disillusionment: Free from illusions or ideals – Spiritually empty; no faith in God or man – Life is unfair; the rules of life don’t work It was a result of World War I – Distrusted ideas and values of the past – Writers began to turn away from style, form, and content of 19 th century literature (esp. realism)
So What is Realism? Realism: A style of writing, developed in the 19 th century, that attempts to depict life accurately, as it really is, without idealizing or romanticizing it. – Concerned with contemporary life and on middle and lower class lives in particular – Rejected extravagant language in favor of simple, everyday diction.
Common Themes in Modernism Disillusionment Unfairness Uncertainty Bewilderment or confusion Meaninglessness of modern life * These are usually implied rather than stated.
Modern Literature’s “Plot” Stories begin in the middle of rising action and end with no clear resolution – Readers draw their own conclusions – Major conflicts go unresolved
Stream of Consciousness Type of writing that abandons chronology and attempts the moment-by-moment flow of a character’s perceptions and memories.
Characteristics of Modernism Features pessimism (rejection of optimism) of Victorian literature
Characteristics of Modernism Fragmented life of an alienated and dysfunctional person trying in vain to make sense of an urban, disjointed society
Characteristics of Modernism Rejects the American Dream – Most people cannot succeed in life.
Modernist Characters Ask… Who are we? Where are we going? What values should guide us to search for our identity? What is the purpose of human existence?