Spreadsheet Player Name Number at Bats Number of Hits Matt Kemp Miguel Cabrera Josh Hamilton Omar Infante James Looney588157
Your work Hits/Bats /186 Batter #2- Josh Hamilton Hits/Bats /180 Miguel Cabrera Batter #2 Miguel Cabrera Hits/Bats /150 Matt Kemp Batter #3 Matt Kemp
Your work Hits/Bats 588/157 Batter #4-James Loney Hits/Bats /151 Omar Infante Batter #5-Omar Infante
Final Spreadsheet RankPlayer NameBatting Average 1Josh Hamilton.355 2Omar Infante.324 3Matt Kempt.270 4James Loney.256 5Miguel Cabrera.210
Persuasive Paragraph My choice for Pete Rose Award is Josh Hamilton because he scored the highest rank and he was most astonishing person in the whole team that he was in. He was the top player in baseball and he always made homeruns. He was so good at baseball that is why he deserves the Pete Rose Award. He always put on his effort to help his team and he always helped his team when they needed him the most because he was the only one who knew how to help and he always had good ideas he never cheated he was always honored and nice to other teams.
Reflection In this project I learned how to do an average. My partner and I both took time to produce five answers. Along the process my partner and I learned how to do long division. The way we CRACLL is being lifelong learner. My partner learned how divide.