Describe the power of the Church by the 1400s (449)
Reform Movement in the Church People angry at wealth and worldliness of Church
Why would people think the sale of indulgences is wrong?
Reformers John Wycliffe (England 1330) Jan Hus (Bohemia 1370)
What do you think needed to change in the Church?
95 Theses Luther’s 95 complaints about selling indulgences Nailed to: Intent: Information got out QUICKLY to other churches
What new tool made it possible for this idea to get out FAST?
Luther’s other issues with the Church Contradictions among Church leaders: need for a standard Bible contradicted some Church teachings
What is the Priesthood of all Believers? What is Justification by Faith Alone?
Reaction from the Pope Luther was Charles V (Emperor) convened meeting in town of Worms ( ) –Goal: –Result: Emperor declared Luther an outlaw:
Were the Pope and Emperor right in their actions? Why?
Luther’s ideas spread quickly Followers of Luther’s ideas started a new branch of Christianity: People who protested and pulled away from power of Church: Some German princes used this War broke out:
Who will win these wars?
Protestants outside Empire Zwingli – John Calvin – –Predestination King Henry VIII of
Christian Church Eastern Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church Catholic Church Protestant Anglican Calvinist LutheranAnabaptist Puritan Methodist Episcopal Baptist Quakers Presbyterian Reformed Church Mennonite Amish