Co mmunity Co llaborative Ra in H ail S now Network Got Rainfall? Join CoCoRaHS! -A Volunteer network of daily precipitation observers. -Simple requirements: -Watch a short training video online. -Plastic Rain Gauge ($20-25). -Internet Connection. -Make daily precipitation reports. -Rainfall varies greatly over short distances. -Especially in the Desert Southwest! -CoCoRaHS helps “fill the gaps!”
-Daily precip data is entered in a simple web form at a standard time. -Rainfall, Snowfall, Snow Depth. -Reports between 6:00 and 10:00 am are preferred, but not mandatory. -Delayed reports OK.
CoCoRaHS is Volunteer-Friendly! What if I’m not home? - Have a friend check your gauge for you. - Or, report a “Multi-Day Accumulation.” - Or, just report “Missing.” A dense network makes a handful of “missing” observations more acceptable.
Multi-Day Precip Form
CoCoRaHS is Volunteer-Friendly! What about when it doesn’t rain for 4 months? - “Daily Zeroes” can be sent en-masse every few days. - Just click on the days with “0.0 Precip” and hit Submit.
What is the Data Good For? - Filling gaps between the “official” rain gauges...
CoCoRaHS Data Uses Daily Precipitation Table Daily Precip Maps (Coming Soon)
CoCoRaHS – El Paso Needs Some Help!
NWS El Paso Volunteer Page