Member’s logo Nexia South America
Nexia So Am The Region: a summary 10 out of 13 territories Languages: Iberian part
Nexia So Am > Bolivia > Chile Colombia Ecuador
Nexia So Am Paraguay > Uruguay > To simplify, Spanish will do
Nexia So Am Fiscal discipline in the last years Populism = less growth Firms, in general are small
Nexia So Am Nexia’s obvious option: QUALITY Growing interest from capital exporters Prepared to serve through imcreasing internationalisation
Nexia So Am Let’s see a little of the firms, South bound Montes y Asociados Alvarado Schaffer & Asociados
Nexia So Am Humphreys & Cia. Tudela & TH Consulting Group CYCE
Nexia So Am Normey – Peruzzo & Asociados And now Brazil Fifth largest territory in the world Almost 1/2 South America’s area
Nexia So Am 180,000,000 inhabitants Hugh mining, steel, automobile and oil industries Steady flow of foreign capital CPA pushing to implement IFRS, assisted by IASB itself
Nexia So Am Nexia Auditores Independentes 4 partners, 23 people Focus: quality and true personal service
Nexia So Am Senior professionals Audit and due diligence Business valuation
Nexia So Am Tax planning And lots of samba The Region is waiting for your clients
Nexia So Am Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen True reason for this slide: not to have 13