Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 1 No (San Francisco Dept. Public Works) Coastal Commission Hearing July 2011 Agenda Item W10b
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 2 REGIONAL LOCATION Project Location Source:
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 3 VICINITY MAP Source: US Geological Survey, 1996, San Francisco North 7.5 Minute Quadrangle North EQR
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 4 PROJECT SITE AERIAL MAP North
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 5 OVERVIEW PROJECT DESCRIPTION Reach 1 – 440 feet rock revetment (on beach) Reach 2 – 270 linear-ft. Tangent Pile Wall (bluff top) Unpermitted 1997 Emergency Quarrystone Revetment (EQR) Reach 3 – 175 linear-ft. Tangent Pile Wall (bluff top) Beach Monitoring Posts Public Access Mitigation – Public Access Plan –Vertical Access to Beach Reposition existing rock at northern end of 2010 Revetment (located south of Southwest Ocean Outfall) to create ramp down to the beach –Lateral Access Bluff Top Bluff top trail that would extend between Sloat Boulevard and Skyline Boulevard –Removal of Debris/Concrete Rubble/Rock Removal of debris from in front of revetments and the area along the beach located between the EQR and Reach 1
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 6 REACH EMERGENCY 440-FT. REVETMENT NORTH
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 7 REACH 1 – 2010 REVETMENT VIEW SOUTH FROM SOUTHWEST OCEAN OUTFALL
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 8 NORTH OF REACH 2 VIEW NORTH FROM SOUTHWEST OCEAN OUTFALL (monitoring)
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 10 Public Access Sand Ramp Maintenance Lateral Bluff Top Trail Rock Stairway
Item Th10b (City & County of San Francisco, DPW) 11 Inactive burrows Active burrows End Reach 2 End Reach 1 BANK SWALLOW BURROW LOCATIONS Inactive Burrows