Retail Store-Sweet Cakes Cafe By: Rhia&Asmaet
What type of retail store did you choose? We chose to do a modern café. A café that your able to relax in while drinking one of the best cappuccino's in town.
What is the name of the store? The name of our store is Sweet cakes Café
What do you sell? This café sells a variety of cakes as well as cappuccinos, mochas, iced coffees and many more..
Which store layout did you use? We used the Free-Flow layout.
Why did you chose these colours/colour scheme? This colour scheme was chosen because its easy on the eyes, very clam and peaceful and allows the customers to feel rested.
How did you design the interior of your store? We used two different types of material for the flooring, wallpaper on one side and hardwood flooring on the other. For the walls we used black fabric. The fixtures were made of cardboard. Pictures, logos, and the menu was all made on the computer.
What type of fixtures do you have? Our fixtures consist of: -Tables -Chairs -Shelves -Cappuccino machine -Cashier -Pictures
Does your selling space convince customers to buy your merchandise? Yes, the selling space is very chill and relaxing and makes you want to buy a drink or sweets to accompany you or a friend.