What is Masquers? ORHS Dramatic community of artists
What are our goals? Fun Learning new skills Sharpening old skills Fall Production Spring Musical
Who are your sponsors? Faculty Sponsor: Mr. Moreno Staff Sponsor: Joseph Self Community Sponsor: Samantha Senn Adjunct All Around Awesome Sponsor: Mrs. Adler
Who are your club officers? President: Dominic King Secretary: Heidi Jallouk
The Future… Sept 8 th Next Masquers meeting(auditorium) Agenda: Ms Senn will be teaching “How theater works” and “Intro to Acting Part 1” Games and Exercises Fall Meetings September 15 th (Combined Studies Room) September 25 th (Ice Cream Social-Amphitheater)
Fall Production Better Football through High School Chemistry Tryouts: September 27 th -28th Rehearsal: 1st week of October through 1 st week in November(may include some of Fall Break) Production: weekend of November th
Spring Musical? Wizard of Oz Tryouts: December 6 th and 7 th Rehearsal: 2 nd week of December, all January and February. Performance March 3-6 th
Need your information! me at Your name Grade Experience Are you interested in Club activities but no performance Club activities AND performance Backstage and Technical Crew only
Find us on Facebook search: Masquers ORHS will have a schedule and information ask questions and get answers talk to club members and share ideas best to me