How to register for an NHS Athens Account Contact Matt Holland [
About NHS Athens Accounts What is an NHS Athens Account? An NHS Athens User Name and Password allows you to access electronic resources (journal articles, e- books and guidelines) from wherever you have an internet connection. Where do I get an NHS Athens Account? All North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Staff can register for an NHS Athens Account online, using NHS Evidence [ ].
Register for an NHS Athens Account at Click on Journals and Databases
Register for an NHS Athens Account at Click link to Register for Athens
Registering for an Athens Account Find the North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust in the pull down menus. Complete Your Personal Details and Your Professional Details sections. You must give an address. If you register outside NHS premises, e.g. at home, use your NHS address.
Registering for an ATHENS Account Check the address you gave for an from ATHENS o You will receive an automated from ATHENS asking you to follow a link to activate your account. o Look for an with Your Athens account has been created in the subject line. Follow the link and create your Password. [ENDS]