Real Involvement Statutory guidance for section 242(1B) - the duty to involve.


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Presentation transcript:

Real Involvement Statutory guidance for section 242(1B) - the duty to involve

The duty Make arrangements that secure that users (directly or through representatives)are involved (whether by being consulted, provided with information, or in other ways) in a) planning the provision of services b) the development and consideration of proposals for changes in the way services are provided, and c) decisions to be made affecting the operation of services

When must users be involved? Always when a) planning the provision of services and to b) and c) when the implementation of the proposal or decision, if made would have have an impact on- a) the manner in which services are delivered to users, or b) the range of services available to users

What do you want to know? Do you know when you need to involve users in commissioning and contracting? Should users be involved in financial decisions? Questions about s242 or Real Involvement

Reports on consultation Sections 17A and 24A of NHS Act New duty for SHAs and PCTs SHAs - only applies to nationally commissioned services that are commissioned by London SHA Directions set out what is required Comes into force in April 2010 First reports will cover period from 1st April st March 2010 Published in September 2010

What must be included in the report? Who was involved What information they were given What matters relating to commissioning decisions they were consulted about If concluded - a summery of the feedback received, including a summary of the different views expressed

What else must be included? Details of any commissioning decisions An explanation of how the views of users and others were taken into account What is being commissioned differently as a result of the involvement activity The main issues it was not possible to address Information on consultations proposed for the following year

What else? Reports made available on the organisations website and at the office Must be available for one year from the date published - until replaced by the next year’s report Questions