I.2. Radio-detection of extensive air showers Part II Olivier Martineau-Huynh TREND workshop, April 19, 2013
Expected distribution CODALEMA antennas oriented along East-West direction: sensible to x component of E EAS field only. E EAS. x skymap
Expected distribution Trigger Scintillator trigger efficiency
Expected distribution « Toy model » distribution… matches well experimental one! D. Ardouin et al., Astropart. Phy 1376 (2009)
CODALEMA EAS radio-detection D. Ardouin et al., Astropart. Phy 1376 (2009)
Shower energy (scintillators) (log) E radio Energy calibration ( CODALEMA ): correction for geomagn. effects Scales linearly with shower energy CODALEMA energy determination E radio = A0A0. cos Radial amplitude profile: exponential fit gives A 0, λ 0, x 0, y 0 A0A0 E radio (µV/m) E (eV) distance to shower axis [m] Field amplitude [μV/m] T. Saugrin PhD thesis T. Saugrin PhD thesis arxiv.org/abs/ v1 LOFAR But warning: arXiv: v1
Composition determination X max Beaming of radio emission due to relativistic effects Smaller pseudorapidity for deep showers, clearly correlated to steeper radio profile… Simulation arxiv.org/abs/ v1 Higher Xmax
Polarization measurements Good tool to understand radio signal generation geosynchrotron vs chareg excess) & cross-check models. AERA: 161 stations over AUGER site (Phase 2, March 2013) AERA Phase 1 result arXiv: v1
EAS Radio-detection strong points Measurement of direction of origin, energy, nature of primary Easiness of deployment & cost! Well suited to giant arrays! 15k€/unit 3 tons <1k€/unit (?) <10kg (?) AUGER CODALEMA Large interest / excitement in the EAS community… many R&D projects.
Conclusion Promising & obvious progresses … But: Self-triggering & EAS identification? Larger arrays? Threshold? Results to be refined & confirmed (energy determination, composition study, polarization studies, modelization) TREND phase 1 Applications other than UHECRs?? TREND phase 2