Jakub Matisak & Nikola Timkova
About 2010 Slovak Floods Duration: May – June 2010 The floods were a devastating series of weather events which occurred across several Central European countries Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine including Slovakia
Reasons The main reason of these floods were over average rainfalls and heavy rains In two months the amount of rainfalls was four times higher, than normally should be For example in Hurbanovo there was 319 mm of rainfalls in two months
Victims and damages The most stricken regions were Nove Zamky, Kosice, Presov, Bardejov and Velky Krtis At least 2 people died because of floods and many houses were demaged The km 2 of ground was damaged Later, the total damage was estimated at million euros The government has to solve the problems caused by weather, because more and more people are effected by rains every year
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