Latest news from the CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Editorial Board Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

Latest news from the CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Editorial Board Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC Collaboration Meeting – March 8 th, 2006Stefano Lami INFN-Pisa

2 Following what Valentina just said…… This is the actual list that we provided 2 EB meetings ago: Totem People available for working on the PTDR: Karsten (CERN): Physics Valentina (CERN): Acceptance and resolution numbers for the 90 m optics Mario (CERN): Background in the RP detectors, possibly Color transparency Fabrizio (Genova): T1 Maurizio (Genova): T1, Physics Risto (Helsinki): Physics Ken, Erik, Mikael, Fredrik (Helsinki): Resolution numbers for the 1540 m optics Stefano (Pisa): Physics Giuseppe (Pisa): T2 Antonio (Pisa): Cosmics At yesterday’s EB meeting, CMS proposed a list of items with their author, each CMS analysis refereed by a `wise person’

3 Analysis considered for inclusion in PTDR from CMS side - and its wise person Diffractive t tbar production (Antonio Vilela) - Alberto Santoro Diffractive prod of B decaying to J/psi (Dilson Damiao) - Alberto Santoro Diffractive W and WW production (Andrei Loginov) - Marta Ruspa Diff dijet prod with and without rap gaps (Andrei Sobol) - Mike Albrow  and  p interactions (Krzysztof Piotrzkowski) - Walter Geist Drell-Yan with Castor (Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum) - Pierre van Mechelen Diffractive Higgs production (Marek Tasevsky) - Albert de Roeck Diffractive trigger stream (Richard Croft, MG) - will be refereed as part of OnlSel group results on trigger tables Other material (cosmics, MC generators, diff DY etc) not yet decided We must be glad that several people from CMS side are willing to work on this PTDR We probably need to finalize better our list. And provide a `wise person’ also for CMS only studies

4 Organizational issues for common CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Timeline of document:  Aim at LHCC meeting in June  Means all analyses have to be frozen by the end of April to give us sufficient time for editing and printing To follow the work closely, will have bi-weekly diffractive working group Meetings, present proposal: :00 (CMS week) :00 (? may have to shift because organizers may not be available) :00 (because is Good Friday) : :00 Analysist and wise persons, please note these dates Updates on the progress of each analysis are expected in these meetings

5  From Totem side: Want to concentrate on measuring inclusive dijet production (trigger rates, overall acceptance, ability to measure Mx, xi, t, accessible mass range) in double-Pomeron exchange starting at pt(jet)>10 GeV, want to use special beta*=90 m optics, with which one could get sufficient statistics in a few days of running at a lumi < cm -2 s -1 Triggering on RP up to 10 31, for higher luminosity it requires adding trigger on rapidity gaps and jets…. Organizational issues for common CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR (II) Action items from last ed board meeting: -- How to use 90m optics together with CMS MC --> Problem understood, looking for solution (Vale and Monika) -- How do Totem plans for dijet analysis tie in with already on-going dijet studies in CMS --> dijet meeting this morning Fabrizio, Stefano, Monika and: Antonio Vilela (DPE ttbar) – very fruitful, got DPEMC code Andrei Sobol (single dif dijets) – works on Pomwig/Herwig -- Determine MC needs for planned dijet analysis by Totem, possibly get under way MC production in Wisconsin

6 Questions for all analyses: - Famos or Oscar+Orca or generator level analysis - Which fwd detectors do you use - Which selection cuts do you apply - What are the event yields after cuts for lumis in range x To what extend have backgrounds been studied - To what extend has the trigger been studied - Has the impact of pile-up been studied - Identify main sources of uncertainty (theoretical and experimental) and their impact on the result - What is still missing to complete the analysis by end of April

7 Status as of : -- every analysis should have some rudimentary write-up by now -- analysts and wise person should have gotten in contact -- we asked the wise persons to provide text for a first draft before March we have a “zeroth order draft” as starting point, first round of texts from wise persons should go in there Questions: -- need to decide intermediate and final deadlines -- how much time do we need to allocate for approval of document by the 2 collaborations ? -- wise persons from Totem ? -- need to start collecting text other than analysis descriptions