September 21 st 2014
Tuesday : 5 – 7a.m Friday : 11:00a.m -1:00p.m Saturday : 8 -11a.m (Faest of the Cross) Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m الثلاثاء : 5 – 7 ص. الجمعه : 11 ص.- 1ظ. السبت : 8-10 صباحا ( قداس عيد الصليب المجيد ) الأحد : 8: :30 صباحا
English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adult Bible study. Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:00 مساء إجتماع درس الكتاب العربي...( تكملة سفر أرميا )
Saturday September 27 th here at the church starts at 12:00p.m Speaker : Fr.Andrew Khalil (Egypt in the scripture)
Congrats to Raafat Mohareb & Awatef for the baptism of their son Mina…God bless him.
Congrats to Mark Boutros & Jessica for the blessed Matrimony…God bless them.
No Servants meeting today.
We will start a new way to pass the blessing bread so we can keep the church more calm and respected…please follow the instructions given by ushers…we will go row by row, men, then women alternating while the rest still seated till it is their turn. We will have the chance to sing and also make it go faster. Kids will go directly downstairs to their classes accompanied by their servants…no noise please.
We would like to invite all students in grades 9 th – 12 th to join us for the start of the new class year. Class started last Friday (September 19 th). Class times will be from 8:00pm – 9:15pm We encourage all students to attend!! “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord”, 1 Cor. 15:58
For the reservation in family convention, please contact Ehab Mikhail or Emad Samaan
العظة العربي: “ ’’ لمحات من تاريخ الكنيسة القبطية