the world’s open source learning platform Incentives for adoption and greater use of educational technology the world’s open source learning platform Michael
the world’s open source learning platform About me
the world’s open source learning platform
Differentiating users ?
the world’s open source learning platform Adoption Theory Diffusion of innovation (Rogers, 1962) Faster adopters Slower adopters Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards
Adoption Theory in education I don't want to! I'm not sure I want to. What's next? I want to do it better. I want to, but how?
Adoption Theory in education Incentives won’t work Social norms will drag them to next group I don't want to!
the world’s open source learning platform Laggards Don’t emphasise non-conformance Petrified forest study (Cialdini, 2003) Water restrictions “If others are not using it, I don’t have to either.” Promote the good
Adoption Theory in education I'm not sure I want to. Incentive: save time, do it once
the world’s open source learning platform Late Majority Mass communication Answer questions once Forums Glossary
the world’s open source learning platform Late Majority Materials reuse electronic materials invest now – reuse later (“dump and pump” is a starting point) Files and folders Repositories
the world’s open source learning platform Late Majority External resources Simple linking LTI activities Moodle as a “Learning OS” Repositories Shared content repositories Media-streaming repositories YouTube, TED “Access to the world’s data” Sounds old to you? You're further along the adoption curve. Don't forget the people behind. Sounds old to you? You're further along the adoption curve. Don't forget the people behind.
Adoption Theory in education I want to, but how? Incentive: easy management
the world’s open source learning platform Early Majority Electronic assessment assignment Structured feedback rubrics checklist
the world’s open source learning platform Feedback plugins Comment re-use Can be combined with other feedback “Red pen on paper” “Red pen on paper”
the world’s open source learning platform Early Majority Automated assessment reduces marking quiz (summative) lesson (formative)
Adoption Theory in education I want to do it better. Incentive: better outcomes
the world’s open source learning platform Early Adopters = student involvement
the world’s open source learning platform Early Adopters Peer-to-peer assessment workshop
the world’s open source learning platform Early Adopters Collaboration group wiki group forum group assignment database Most Moodle activities can be controlled for groups.
the world’s open source learning platform Early Adopters Situational modalities Many-to-one One-to-one One-to-computer Group-to-one Group-to-computer Flipping the classroom More?
Adoption Theory in education What's next? Incentive: improving education
the world’s open source learning platform Innovators Adaptive, personalised = fewer gaps
the world’s open source learning platform Innovators Pathways created through Activity completion Restricted access Course completion Outcomes Badges
the world’s open source learning platform Innovators Learning analytics
the world’s open source learning platform Innovators Get involved in Moodle project Research: Moodle as a framework Forums: ask, answer, share Tracker: suggest improvements, report bugs Plugins: review plugins for Moodle QA testing: test next Moodle version
the world’s open source learning platform Take-home message Not all teachers are equal There is a next step Not all learners are equal Use tools to improve education