From Documentation to Avante Garde
Unkown Photographer 1849 Poe, Daguerreotype
Matthew Brady, Clara Barton 1866 (silver print) Unknown photograher 1865
Matthew Brady
Ethnography Kusakabe Kimbel Geisha Resting 1885 C.A. Wooley Trucanini 1866
C. B. Duchenne De Boulogne, 1876 “Electrical contraction of the eyelids...
Annie Brigman The Heart of the Storm, 1910
F. Holland Day, “The Seven Last words of Christ”
Stieglitz, Equivalence, 1925
Stieglitz Equivalence 1929
Hannah Hoch c. 1919
Man Ray, Untitled, 1936
Hans Bellmer, Doll, 1935
Ftot ringle +pit, Petrole Hahn Advertising 1931
Claude Cahun, Self-Portrait 1928
Claude Cahun
Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray
Man Ray
Man Ray 1932